Monday Mingle 3.14.11
>> Monday, March 14, 2011
Hello again! Mingling in the morning this week. Still groggy from my wonderful girls night last night and time change is kicking our bottoms at the zoo. Tired girls and daddy!
Here are the questions:
1. Do you sew, crochet or knit?
2. Are you allergic to any foods? Bee stings?
3. Do you snore? Please describe
This picture is from our girls night taken by a bus boy. He took 2 and the other one Leslie and I have even less head. I think he was checking out Rachael and Dana and forgot about us taller people in the background :)
I've always wanted to learn to crochet and knit too...
LOL you fear it.
Haha! How could we know if we snore unless someone claims we do? So funny. Wow. It's a good thing you got him the machine, I wouldn't be very happy if Mat was that bad. LOL
Have a great week!
LOL I am hoping to get a machine for my hubby too- he is horrible!!
Don't fear the sewing machine, straight stiches are easy.
The machine sounds cool!
I knew it was early because it's dark outside there!
My ex had a snore machine and it was a miracle!
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