
>> Saturday, April 30, 2011

How proud am I of my husband? Since February he has lost 25 pounds. It started out where he was eating a sort of Atkin's diet but has evolved to him just making good choices and eating a lot of salads. He looks fabulous! Know what else? He barely snores anymore. I am beaming with pride (and sleeping at night)!

Matt and the girls 12.31.10Matt and the girls 4.28.11



>> Friday, April 29, 2011

I love spring! I love seeing all the blogs I visit exploding with beautiful blooms. Here is what's blooming around our house.

My free Easter lily
Easter Lily 6Easter Lily 5
Easter Lily 1

I plan on planting it this weekend so that we can enjoy it every year.

From our new rose bush

I am not really a rose expert so we will see how this goes.

Freshly picked daisies

Not from my yard but growing wild down the street. We picked them on our way home from feeding the goats and horses.

Our Rhododendron

They bloom better with some sun. Here they are completely in the shade but every spring and fall we still get a few blooms. I love these plants!


Team Up Thursday - Unexpected

>> Thursday, April 28, 2011

What's that? Well it is the unexpected from Angie and I. I know you see hers. Pretty polish. I know that I don't have time to do this and I know with her busy schedule neither does she so what an unexpected surprise to have her nails painted for her team up? After a busy weekend the girls and I went to the grocery store on Monday morning and when we walked into the store the manager asked if we would like an Easter lily. Seriously I asked "Why?" and he was all "It is not Easter anymore so we are giving them away." Yet another unexpected surprise! Smell that? No? It is my lily that I have sitting next to my computer so that I can enjoy their beauty and scent.


More team ups at Melody's and Megan's.


Wordful Wednesday - Spring Break 2011

>> Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Well the girls and I are officially on spring break. We have no where to go - bummer! They asked Matt why he didn't get the week off for spring break too. Good question. We are making the most of our time though and had a friend over on Monday, spent their Easter money ($1 that the bunny gave them) on Tuesday, playdate on Wednesday, ANOTHER sleepover on Thursday, and rounding out the weekend with an undecided family day on Saturday. Weather permitting.

Overheard last night when Daddy went in to talk to the girls (again) about going to sleep.
Violet "I am changing my name"
Daddy "To what?"
Violet "Cutie Pie" "How do you spell it?"

4.26.11 V

Tuesday when we went to the thrift store to spend their loot Piper told me that she was going to buy herself a necklace just like mine. She looked through the entire case of necklaces and chose the one closest. She is my sweet, sweet girl.

4.26.11 P

"DUCK!!!" Ruby screamed at the duck in the lake. Everyone in the cove heard her I am sure. Mama's girl :)

4.26.11 R


I heart faces - Marley (Pet Week)

>> Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I tried to get our chihuahua with her tongue sticking out. Mabel is so horrified by my camera she hides when it comes near her (perhaps due to the fact I dress her up most of the time as well). Marley though isn't done with letting me take her picture. Most of the time she is sleeping so I can take whatever I want. Now when she is awake that is a whole other story :)

4.25.11 (1 of 1)


Monday Mingle 4.25.11

>> Monday, April 25, 2011

I thought that I might mingle yesterday but I was exhausted after our busy Easter. Matt and I went to bed before 9pm. The girls were in bed BY 7pm. It was nice. I hope that everyone enjoyed their Easter as much as we did. Now on to our family mingle :)

and the questions were...
1. Do you have an iPod or other music source? Name 3 artists from different genres that you currently have on there.
2. What are your plans for Easter?
3. What traditions did you have for Easter when you were a kid?

Link up with Eighty MPH Mom and her Monday Mingles!


52 Weeks of Me - Multiple Exposure (17/52)

>> Sunday, April 24, 2011

If you are as old as the hills like myself you might remember those awesome multiple exposure school pics that they had back in the 70's. I remember my cousin having one in 1978 but my school in WI wasn't as cool as her school in CA so I never, sadly, got one done. Until now. My PS skills are lacking but here it is...


During spring and summer we all get a little busy but Cara and I would still love for you all to continue or even start to join in on this 52 week project. Next week will be Rule of Thirds>.

Happy Easter!


Here fishy fishy

>> Friday, April 22, 2011

I started to take pictures of peeps.

Peep Peep

Then Ruby started eating them. I asked to take a picture with both younger girls and they smiled. Woo hoo. My aperture was wrong and Violet was blurry. It was f5 so I thought it was enough. Nope.

Smile ladies!

I asked them to be fish. Violet just learned to suck in her cheeks. Doesn't she look thrilled. Ruby looks like she is looking for a kiss. Alright I can do that ♥

here fishy


Team Up Thursday - Yellow

>> Thursday, April 21, 2011

There is this blog that I visit where everything is yellow and happy. Then you come here to my black blog lol :) The days have surely been sunny and warm down here and we are done with most of our spring yard work. We finally got the pine straw down in our natural area and flower beds. Veggie garden is in and I am counting down the 80 or so days until our family can enjoy what we grew. The girls and I headed to our local home improvement store and picked up some flowers that we still need to get in the pots out back. These marigolds were what Piper picked. Our family has been drinking a ton of water since the beginning of the year. I don't buy juice at all anymore. When Angie's shot came through my email I immediately got thirsty. Nothing like a tall glass of water with lemon.


More team ups at Melody's and Megan's.


Wordful Wednesday - Lots of Chocolate & Fun!

>> Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We went to a super fun play date. It was a big egg hunt. Didn't I say fun? Violet and Piper were both at school so it was just Ruby and I. It was cool to get to do that with her.


However, she would pick up an egg and open it and sit down and eat whatever was inside before going for another egg. See if her sisters were there they would have taught her the ropes but I just sat back and enjoyed her way.


Everyone brought a treat so I hopped on the bandwagon and made some cake balls.


They weren't horrible but I can't leave a good thing alone so I will be playing with them more in the future.


What I brought home was a chocolate faced but happy baby.

chocolate faced girl


Party like a rockstar!

>> Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Like Piper had a birthday party on Saturday and I like decided to go too. Piper was like "Are you serious?" Um, yeah! We were like all invited so we are like going. Piper was like "Whatever!" I was stoked when there was a totally rad dj and dancing. I did not dance because Piper would have been like "Oh my Gosh, like what are you doing?" Like Violet like felt like a big girl hanging with Piper and her totally awesome friends. Like, OK. Piper like loved having her hair crimped because it was totally awesome. Like Violet thought her side pony was rad fer sure. Time to party hardy.


Whew, trying to talk like we did in the 80's is hard even for a paragraph :) So in addition to the party we also had the craziest weather here on Saturday. In the morning and early afternoon we had thunderstorms and it was so windy! I couldn't believe how we were almost blown away! Lots of random things were blown away at the party. Plates, napkins, pizza. It was comical to watch.


Monday Mingle 4.18.11

>> Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Monday! 1 more week until spring break! Where are we going? Nowhere! But my girls will be home with me so it is going to be fabulous!

The questions for the mingle this week are:
1. Did you watch Extreme Couponing? What are your thoughts?
2. What is the sales tax amount in the city/county you live in?
3. Did you finish your taxes yet, or do you wait until the April 15th deadline?

Link up with Eighty MPH Mom and her Monday Mingles!


52 Weeks of Me - In Motion (16/52)

>> Sunday, April 17, 2011

Good Morning! This weeks theme was In Motion. My intent was a snazzy roller skating shot like in Understanding Exposure or some cool shot of me twirling. I used to be very good at it back in the day. What do you get? Me walking. You know what they say about best laid plans :) One thing I will say about this shot though. I need new shoes! These Birks are probably 12 years old. Every year I say I am going to be more hip and every year I wear my Birkenstocks. I know they are not cool but it is all I know and when I see my foot in some cute little sandal I think it looks weird. Help! Since you are at it "Step away from the hippie skirts as well Jessie!"


Cara and I could use just a few more ideas to get us through the year. Don't forget to add your shot to the flicker pool. Next week will be Multiple Exposure.


A Sunday Drive

>> Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunday was our 7th anniversary. Don't even get me started on how it should be our like 12th but...

When Matt and I first started getting together we would drive. We loved it. When we moved to NC we would take *sometimes* an entire day and just explore. Since kids you know that isn't possible. With three 5 and under anyway. Sunday we took a ride and everyone enjoyed it. Matt wanted to go to a friends house about 30 minutes from ours and all we knew was his family had land and cows. Unfortunately the cows were in a pasture a few acres over so we didn't see them but we enjoyed tromping around his land anyway. Look at how they are all walking the EXACT same way! I love it!

girls hiking

Check out this fungus. I had to snap a picture of it because I thought it was very cool. Nature is beautiful.



Team Up Thursday - Direction

>> Thursday, April 14, 2011

I did participate last week in the TUT project with Angie but didn't post. I think I am sort of burned out with blogging. I am going to try to get back to it but most days I pop on the computer for a few minutes then Ruby needs me for something. I read blogs with my Google reader so I am keeping up! Anyway, this week's theme is direction and as you can see by the sign at Angie's ranch you need to take a left right now. I love it! Mine is the main road by our home that has had construction for what seems like years. I think it might be years but I can't say for sure because A. I am too lazy to look it up and B. You know when you live with something and it seems like it is taking FOREVAH but is only like a few months? Well that is this project.


I have to sit in that traffic EVERY DAY! Yep, that was all caps!

More team ups at Melody's and Megan's.


Monday Mingle 4.11.11

>> Monday, April 11, 2011

Wow, Monday again! Where has the time gone :) I need to work some time time in my day for blogging again. I don't know where the days go!
Here are the questions for this week.
1. Did you play an April Fool’s joke on anyone? Tell us about it!
2. Do you have a Kobo, Nook, Kindle etc? Do you read more ebooks or traditional books?
3. If your life was a book what would the title be?

Link up with Eighty MPH Mom and her Monday Mingles!


52 Weeks of Me - Out of Focus (15/52)

>> Saturday, April 9, 2011

Well I am Out of It again this week. Gosh I stink at blogging and my project lately. I am going to get both last week and this week up Sunday but can't get to it anymore tonight (Saturday night).


Join Cara and I in our 52 week project any time, it's never too late to start turning that camera around (hello pot)! Don't forget to add your shot to the flicker pool. We still need some ideas for themes if you have any please add them to that discussion on the main group page. Next week will be In Motion.


Monday Mingle 4.4.11

>> Monday, April 4, 2011

I have been trying to get my mingle to load on Vimeo all morning and it kept cutting my video off. Ugh. Hopefully it works now. I am so not technical lol :)

Here are the questions for this week!
1. If you could choose a new career path, what would you choose?
2. What is your favorite ethnic food?
3. Are your kids involved in sports/activities?

Link up with Eighty MPH Mom and her Monday Mingles!

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I am 45 years old and married to my best friend Matthew. We are the parents of 3 girls, 2 dogs, and a cat. This is the story of us, try to stay awake.
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