Team Up Thursday - Direction
>> Thursday, April 14, 2011
I did participate last week in the TUT project with Angie but didn't post. I think I am sort of burned out with blogging. I am going to try to get back to it but most days I pop on the computer for a few minutes then Ruby needs me for something. I read blogs with my Google reader so I am keeping up! Anyway, this week's theme is direction and as you can see by the sign at Angie's ranch you need to take a left right now. I love it! Mine is the main road by our home that has had construction for what seems like years. I think it might be years but I can't say for sure because A. I am too lazy to look it up and B. You know when you live with something and it seems like it is taking FOREVAH but is only like a few months? Well that is this project.
I have to sit in that traffic EVERY DAY! Yep, that was all caps!
More team ups at Melody's and Megan's.

Yuck! That's what PA will look like soon.
great dip!
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