I heart faces - Missing His Face
>> Monday, February 1, 2010
Matt has started his new job and he works a ridiculous amount of hours. He is doing this to provide for our family and I am so lucky to have him work so hard so that I am able to stay home with our girls. With him working so much though I miss seeing him and so do the girls.
Week 5 Challenge - My Story In Photos: Places I Love
We weren't able to go anywhere last year due to Matt's old job so if I would post a picture of a place I loved it would be ancient and they are not even on my computer b/c it crashed last year - lazy me! I thought that I might head into town and take pictures of the girls there b/c I love where we live and it is part of our story but the weather has kept me from being able to do that. So many buts right? Since most of the time I would rather be home with my family playing a game or hanging out with my husband talking or watching a movie I decided this should be my entry the week.
I ♥ this place but miss his face (I know that there isn't anything amazing about this photo but I love it)
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This picture is EXACTLY what I thought about when I saw the topic. I'm sorry you're missing him this week, but I just wanted to say I love this photo! Personal in a way you can't imagaine.
What a cute photo and a wonderful take on the theme :)
This is great! Your favorite place is in his arms, adorable!
oh no, there is something very amazing in this photo! I love it and love the story. The sacrifices we make for our family are great and sometimes hard, but worth it in the end...
XOXO from another Jessie :)
I love being provided for but missed having my husband around. We ahve hard working men and we do missed them when they are at work, don't we!!!
Shut up! Nothing special, I can't even believe you said that. I so ♥ this photo!!!!
That is certainly a nice to place to be. :)
So cute! -E
Great photo and story behind it.
Very sweet!
I absolutely hate it when my husband has to work overtime or go on an out of town trip. But I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder and all of that, huh?
Thanks for sharing your lovely shot!
Love it! Says a lot...
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