They try
>> Saturday, February 27, 2010
I guess. Yesterday I was on a high that my girls decided to have a Pretend Birthday for ME. That's right, not Matt but me. Daddy was out of town but I am sure they still would have chosen me as the birthday girl even if he was here.
So, back to being high (lol). They got their dolls all dressed for the occasion and in doing so there were doll clothes from one end of their room to the other. I gave them a by and told them they could wait and clean their room this morning. They did and it looked so good. Beds were made, new sheets put on, everything in it's place. Until I asked them to rest. They didn't actually rest. Nope, they took all the things from both beds and piled it on Violet's
I promise you I am not a neat person but when things are actually put away I like them to stay that way for more than an hour. They're killing me!
Sigh. What to do? Head outside and wear off some energy. Ruby walked in her walker, Piper played hopscotch, and Violet shopped with her baby & buggy. What did I do? Cleaned out our little veggie garden area to plant some seeds this week. While clearing the area out I came across a brown snake (please oh please be brown and not a copperhead). I am sure the neighbors knew from me bolting away what I had just encountered. It was a babe but I don't like snakes. Anyway, this will be my first time attempting a cool garden - I need luck. Hopefully we will get a few carrots and maybe a few potatoes out of it b/c the girls are pretty psyched right now to plant stuff.
I can't wait to plant! I never do seeds though, I'm lazy and get seedlings.
Haha! Look at Ruby getting in on the toy action. :) And you're planting? Already? Wow, it must be warmer down there than it is here.
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