Wordful Wednesday - Growing Up
>> Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I can't even begin to tell you how bummed out I am that Piper didn't get into the charter school that we LOVED next year. I am by no means bashing the schools in our district but I just loved everything about that school. From how they taught, to discipline, and most of all the parental involvement. Over 570 families applied for 23 kindergarten spots - the lucky zoo clan was #532. I will admit it, I cried. I cried for a few hours and then cried again the next day. Sigh. I just really thought that this was where we belonged but maybe we have a different path. A friend of mine told me how fab our elementary school was and when I saw the class schedule "Yoga & Rest" had it's own time spot. When did school start teaching yoga? Last night I tried to convince Piper to let me homeschool her while we ate dinner.
"Piper, why don't you let mommy teach you next year"
"Will Violet be here too?"
"She will be in preschool a few days a week but otherwise yes"
"Will my friends be here?"
"We will find you friends that also get taught from their home"
"Well...I like being with my friends"
"But Piper, we will meet new friends and you will have Violet here most days. Mommy taught you last year, remember?"
"Well...Mrs. Fleming teaches me better"
"She does huh?"
"You cook really good though mama"
It looks like yoga, buses, & public school here we come!
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I have a giveaway for a Melissa & Doug calendar happening (my first!!) - have you entered? All you have to do is leave a comment on the giveaway post! Ends on Tuesday!
what a cutie pie! Glad she appreciate your cooking :-)
Wow! Yoga, huh? Sounds like fun. It is good that she loves your cooking.
You captured her baby blues so well in this shot. She is beautiful!
This portrait of Piper is so breathtaking, from the tilt of her head to the light in her eyes. You have a magic touch.
Such a sweetheart to soften her "no thanks" with a compliment. I suppose you're teaching her at home, even if you aren't homeschooling her. :)
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