>> Friday, February 5, 2010
When is this baby going to sleep? I feel that I am the only person alive who has a 10 month old who still doesn't sleep through the night. There are no teeth coming in. She doesn't even nap much during the day. What's up Ruby? She wakes up no less than 3 times a night to nurse still. I am tired! (Ruby vent over) Matt has been working so late these past few days maybe I will sneak a nap in myself today if I can manage to get Ruby to sleep with me. Must act quickly b/c the older girls are laying down right now!
Took this yesterday with our remote and I cropped myself out b/c I don't generally like photos of myself :) She even has a runny nose so that should make her tired, right?
So school is still canceled here. Today it is raining. School canceled for rain? Yep. The only reason that it even bugs me is b/c Piper has been so excited to go to school all week and hasn't been able to. Hopefully Monday :)
Looks at those rolls! How cute is little Ruby!
BTW, love your 365 site, what a great idea. You find the most interesting ideas.
those rolls are soo cute! Rebekah did not sleep trough the night before she self wean at 15 months!!!!
And yes she was nursing every 2 -3 hours night and days and I was preggo with Sarah at the time!!!
I feel your pain.
hopefully soon she will sleep longer!!!!
You're killing me here with all the baby shots. Drool! She's perfection personified. I could gobble her up she's so sweet!
But oh, the night time woes. You have no idea how bad I feel for you! I went through that with Raya until she was nearly 15 months. It was murder, but weaning her from night nursing was the only thing that made any difference. And even now she doesn't sleep through the night every night. It's rough, but I figure it can't last forever. (I hope.) Hang in there!
Nope...you're not the only one with a babe who won't sleep through the night! Neither Tate or Emily slept through the night until they were 1 yr. old - when I switched them to milk and stopped nursing (at night anyways)...and well...Emily still wakes up at least once at night and wants me to move her to our bedroom...she's getting 6 teeth though so I'm *hoping* that's the problem! :) Btw...super cute pictures of Ruby!
Ruby is adorable. I love her beautiful eyes!
I know how the sleep thing is. I had many, many sleepless nights with Chloe. When she is fine, she sleeps through the night, unfortunately, there is always something wrong with her....usually allergies.
Hang in there momma, it will get easier!
What a darling baby! Had to comment on this post. I have 4 kids, all were nursed and none slept through the night until about 18 months of age or older!! Good luck. It is frustrating and tiring but they are only little once!!
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