Brown Toilet Paper?
>> Saturday, February 20, 2010
I know that sounds gross right?
Yesterday afternoon we were at Harris Teeter doing a little bit of grocery shopping. Harris Teeter has their "Super Doubles" right now and will double a coupon up to $1.98. Normally we only buy meat and Silk Soy milk from HT b/c their prices are quite high on groceries but when they run super doubles or triples I make a list and stock up on some things I would otherwise never buy.
Our household doesn't buy paper towel. Years ago we switched to using rags rather than paper. My husband wishes we would have paper towel but he doesn't grocery shop. seventh Generation is now sold almost everywhere. I bought some dishwashing powder the other day at Target. They had a coupon for $1 off their paper products (available by visiting their webside) and since a roll of paper towel was on special for $1.99 with my coupon it was free at HT.
I put 2 rolls in our buggy and Piper said
"Mama, why are you buying brown toilet paper?"
"It's paper towel not toilet paper."
"What is paper towel?"
I think she knows what it is but maybe not the name? I explained but it is still sort of weird to have brown paper towel. Anyway, there is my funny Piper story for today :)
haha...yeah brown toilet paper would be a little funny to use! he he. :)
Oh the images that were going through my mind when I read "brown toilet paper". And I'm just going to stop right there. ;)
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