Wordful Wednesday - My Archenemy
>> Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I do not claim to be a superhero but I do have my own archenemy here at the zoo. They have bugged me for years now but normally in the spring and summer months. Not any more though. They live here now. I think that our home might be located on the biggest (little black) ant hill known to man. It has been COLD this winter so you would think they would be dead but no, they come out when I least expect them! It started right before Violet's birthday in December and they keep coming! Last night I opened up my dishwasher to load it with supper dishes and there they were in there! Seriously there were like 100 of them! I got out my trusty Windex and killed them all but they keep coming back! Ugh! We have a bug guy and I have been dreading the phone call to him b/c he comes to my house and talks bugs. Seriously, there is more to life than bugs. He will tell me stories about disgusting homes he has been in with roaches, bed bugs, and spiders. Maybe I should just get a Windex holster so I will always be prepared when I spot one (or 50). Yuck, yuck, yuck!
and b/c I don't want the only picture in my post to be of my enemy :)
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Your daughter is adorable! We have ants in summer and I am forever spraying windex on them. I can't stand them little critters.
I'm very glad you ended your post on a much brighter note all of your children are adorable with those smiling eyes. Just priceless.
I am so happy that I am not the only one with that pesky Archenemy invading my home in the winter! I was starting to think that I was the only one! I have had them all over my kitchen table the last few days and can't, for the life of me, figure out why! And... your daughter is just adorable!
Awww, what a little cutie pie!
I shuddered at your story of the bug guys. Bugs creep me out!
I used to live in a condo that was built on former strawberry fields. I couldn't leave ANYTHING out or there would be an ant infestation. I love the picture of your daughter!
LOL! I loved the imagine of the windex holsters.
Oh and of course your daughter is adorable. Fantastic job of capturing the light in her eyes.
I suppose it could be worse. They could be fire ants. (Okay, that's as positive as I can think of right now.) :) Now keep that Windex handy or else they might carry your lovely little Violet away! (Is that a stupid comment? Blame it on the cold medicine.) LOL!
The photo of your little one is very cute!
I can't stand the ants either! We get them in the summer and it drives me nuts! I've been known to spray my vacuum with all natural ant spray and vacuum them up. Anything to get rid of them!
We just moved into our house in mid-december. I don't know what these last people were up too! We have killed the last of the giant sleepy flies, but we still have a bunch of these little moth things. I can't imagine what will come out when the weather warms up. It will be a great new homeowner surprise I'm sure.
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