Baby It's Cold Outside
>> Sunday, January 31, 2010
Have I ever mentioned that I don't like the cold, snow, ice, or anything else that you would associate with the winter season? I got rid of pretty much everything that I owned when I moved to CA that had anything to do with cold weather b/c hey cold in SoCal is like 65 degrees right? So we come here to NC almost 10 years ago (to the day btw) and while most of the time the weather is quite enjoyable it hasn't been this winter. Brrr! Woke up this morning and it was like 12 degrees. The ice that is on my driveway won't melt for at least a week which means I am going to have to haul my happy butt out there and shovel - ugh! What to do with the kiddos on these cold days? Lately tents have been the answer but when Ruby is awake she tears them down. Girlies and Daddy made a tent in their room today and even though it didn't seem like the best idea I let them take their nap in it. Took forever for them to fall asleep and as I listen down the hall I am not even sure they are sleeping right now. Daddies do things different than mommies - repeat as necessary :)
I realize it is hard saying no to these two though especially since he hasn't been around much lately.
Parents go on and on about how cute their kids are. I will say that I think that most children are just adorable in their own way but sometimes I think that we have parent goggles on lol :) Today I proudly wear mine b/c when I saw this picture on my computer screen I was that parent that thought her kid is the most beautiful in the world. For that moment anyway :)
Look at those gorgeous blue eyes!!!! beautifully shot!!!
Yap it's cold over here too, but it's normal the our Canadian maritime weather.
Our 4 seasons are:
- almost winter
- winter
- can't believe it's still winter
- and road repair (aka summer)
Normal for us to have - 25 to -35 degrees Celsius in winter, does not mean that I like it one little bit!!!
can't wait for summer!!!!
Beautiful shots. Those eyes are wonderful!
I am just grateful it isn't too hot here. School started this week.
I promised myself after last year's heat wave (47 degrees) I wouldn't complain about the cold again!
The photos are adorable!
And yes, daddies do things differently. I constantly have to remind myself of that. I hope it starts to warm up soon. I'm so tired of the cold too!
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