Happy New Year!
>> Monday, January 4, 2010
We all do the same thing every year, resolutions. Some people resolve to not do a resolution but not me, I like a little motivation even if it is only for a month or 2. Some times I actually stick with them and now my resolutions of past years are just part of my normal everyday life. I would love to stick with each and every one of these but I am human and know that I may not. So here are my 2010 resolutions, in no particular order lol :)

1. Be nicer. I know that it sounds general but I am going to try really hard to be nicer to people, especially my family. Especially my husband - there it is in writing :)

2. I want to knit. I can knit now but it is just ugly. Perhaps a class would help me. This has been a resolution for many years but maybe this year will be the year for me to do it!

3. I would love to run this (the half marathon not the full). 13.1 miles is pretty far. Summer will be the hardest time for me to stay on track b/c it is so stinkin hot down here which is why it is a resolution :)
There they are, short and sweet. I am sure I share these similar resolutions with many other people. I will come back to this post periodically to see how I am doing :) Happy New Year - kind of late but better late than never!
all sounds good to me :-)
Three resolutions that are doable. I love it! :)
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