Glub Glub
>> Saturday, January 16, 2010
Drink some water
and she likes it!
While doing a little shopping I decided to pick up a few new straw cups. I am not sure what it is with my girls and having the straw cup be their "sippy" of choice but Ruby is no exception. I tried giving her one of the girls old regular sippy cups and she wanted nothing to do with it, now this straw cup - she LOVES it! It took her less than 5 minutes to figure it out and truthfully I should have video taped it b/c that first time she got water in her mouth the look on her face was hilarious! She is getting to be such a big girl :)
sweet! Sarah have a few sippy that she is not using cause she can't figure them out!!!! she drink from a cup with help but I want her to drink alone!!!
Is your cup leaking? or not I might try it if it's the non leaking kind///
She is a doll baby! It's so sweet/sad to see the milestones ticking by isn't it?
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