>> Saturday, January 30, 2010
Well, the camera arrived! It was later yesterday so I was losing light fast but still played for a few minutes. I will need to use it more to tell if I really love it. Thankfully it is so similar to my old camera that it wasn't tough figuring certain things out but I have had to pull out the manual a couple of times b/c I was stumped.
This shot was taken at iso 1600 and no noiseware - this is what I am talking about! I know there are better cameras out there but hey this is a hobby :)
Check out Ruby's expression her first time looking outside this morning. You can read it on her face, "What the heck is that out there?" We got hit with some winter weather last night. There is probably 6" of snow. Matt is at work. The girls want to play outside but I can't do it right now. Why? Because it is sleeting! Bummer :(
I have already reached my quota of tolerable snow fall this year. Hello, I moved away from WI for a reason!
Finally Violet b/c she didn't want to get left out lol :)
The older girls and I are eating popcorn and I am going to put in Fraggle Rock. Remember that show? Love it! If Matt gets home early enough (and it stops sleeting) we will venture outside but for now I will sit in my warm house and dream of summer.
I love those pictures!! :) Your girls are so beautiful. :) And the snow...we have so much snow here that I think it'll take until July to melt! haha. :) Hope yours melts a lot sooner though!
Wow, wow, wow! I want one too! Waaaaa! Okay, pout off now. Seriously, how happy are you with the new camera? And oh my heck but was that fast arriving or what?
Your photography is beautiful, your girls are beautiful. Sigh... If I didn't like you so much I'd hate ya. ;)
What did ya get? I'm trying to decide if I want to upgrade my lens (crappy kit lens at the moment) or get a speedlite. I can't make up my mind!
This is jamierippy, btw ;)
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