Crafty Tuesday - Valentine Tree
>> Tuesday, January 19, 2010
There is this awesome blog friend, Kimberly, who does these fabulous craft projects every week and I want to be just like her. Since that is not possible I have just decided to set Tuesdays aside to do projects with our girls and document them for eternity on the blog since they normally play with projects until they are destroyed :)
This weekend hubs and I switched out the girls playroom & bedroom. Not much extra room but enough for them to have a small "doll changing area" in their bedroom that they did not have before. I also was taking down the very last of our "winter" trees. I will just call them winter but they really were our Christmas decorations that I was too lazy to take down before today :) The girls love the bigger silver one so I let them keep it in their room until Valentine's Day (or whenever I get the ambition to take it out now).
Project: Valentine Tree (hee hee) Decorations
This is Matt and I
and the artist herself
If you saw Piper yesterday she was probably wearing that heart shirt. I kept it hidden in the basement so that she wouldn't just wear that for the past month. She picks out her own clothes but I control what goes in her closet lol :)
I've seen that shirt somewhere before!!! :)
If you were any sweeter I'd swear you were a candy bar! You totally made my day. :)
A Valentine tree, now why didn't I think of that?! Your artist dec'd it out perfectly. Cupid will surely be stopping by!
And that last photo? Breathtaking. You make every photo a portrait. I don't know how you do it.
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