>> Saturday, August 6, 2011
Just a shot of Marley patiently waiting for me to get her a treat :)
It has been H.O.T. and bless her spoiled heart Marley wants no part of being outside. The lake is like a hot tub and gives us no relief. Needless to say there has been no walking outside lately. No nothing outside except making our way from the air conditioned house to the air conditioned car to our air conditioned destination and then back again. I like it hot but holy cow it has been over 90 degrees forevah! Don't get me wrong though I am not complaining. I would take this over winter any day of my life it is just that the kiddos are spent in no time out there and it makes it tough to figure out activities to do with them. We have completely gone through my craft supplies and after that school supply list from Piper's school I have no money to buy any lol :) I know buck up right?
It has been super hot here too. It does make it hard to entertain the kids when yuo just can't be outside!
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