Team Up Thursday - Fruit
>> Thursday, April 29, 2010
I am ashamed to admit that I had to ask Angie what her photo was of this week. To fit with mine I cropped it to a pretty tight apple but in total "duh me" fashion I didn't originally see it. It is made with fused glass. I thought it was beautiful before I knew what it was but now I will add cool to it as well. Mine is what I was waiting for after a long day. Since the stove is broke we went to the mexican restaurant near our home last night and although I like mine better the margarita that I had there was pretty tasty.

Check out more Team Up Thursdays at Melody's and Megan's.

That does look really cool. The margarita sounds delicious!
Very colorful and refreshing - that IS funny that you didn't know what your partner's photo was!!
I've come over from Corey's blog and noticed you couldn't decide WHAT BOOK I was reading in our Team Up photo! The book is, "Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy". I think that's what you wanted to know!!!???
Thank you jessie for waiting on me this week! The pair looks great! Good luck with your sounds like they are rebelling!
Since I'm from S. Texas this all looks like an ad for Fiesta or for a Mexican restaurant. The bright colors of the first, the tilting of the glass. Great job, team.
How cool is fused glass? I love the angle of your shot, it make me what to take a big sip!
Your photo is rocking Jessie! You have a think for photographing things against a dark background and then getting a delicious color pop. Sweet!
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