Wordful Wednesday - What's Up??
>> Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I just haven't really felt the whole blogging thing for the last month. It is hard for me to try and come up with things to write about b/c I am so busy right now. The girls and I have been getting out and meeting up with people so not much time around the house means less computer time meaning no blogging. I am even having problems keeping up with all of my blogging friends blogs. Sheesh. My husband chuckles "Life as a stay at home mama" - whatever.
Today was picture day for Piper's preschool. We found her the dress that she wore at the thrift store that I LOVE! Her favorite color is blue - random much - and so is the dress. We didn't have a barrette or headband to match but I found a pair of old "chicken" earrings and clipped the back off and made our own barrettes out of them. So this is also a Crafty Tuesday post (lol). Here they are...
and our beauty wearing it.
While Piper was at school Violet, Ruby, and I joined a group at the fire house for a tour. All the kids had fun and we all learned a lot about being a fireman. All of the kids loved that and they gave each of them fire hats & books to color. Fun times.
Now off to do the dishes while the girls sleep and then try and figure out what to do for my Team Up Thursday post - not enough hours in the day for this sahm!!
More Wordful Wednesdays at

Yes we are busy busy busy LOL But look at those hair clip gorgeous!!!! and those little girls of yours are soo adorable!!!!
Wow. I love that barette. You did an amazing job! How fun that blue is her favorite color. She is so adorable : )
Great job with the barrette!
I hear you about the blogging thing. Generally for me it's easier to blog when it's cold out. But then when the weather warms up I want out of the house, and hence, away from the computer.
Love my Lucas fix. :)
Wow, those barrettes are great. My daughter would love them!
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