>> Monday, April 26, 2010
My girlfriend Beth was telling me about some rhubarb crisp that she made the other day and about 15 minutes after I got off the phone with her I called our little Ruby rhubarb. I can't stop. Please someone stop me!
This morning it was beautifully overcast (until I got to our location) and I even had a helper - pint sized but she is a hard worker. So Violet and I tried oh so very hard to do everything we could think of to make Ruby smile. I got maybe 5 pictures of that baby smiling and she is blinking in 2 of them. You take what you get with a 1 year old though.
Now it is overcast. Such is my luck :)
You got some beautiful shots! You mean your not going to use the nickname "Rhubarb"?
The middle shot? Ab-so-lute perfection!!! Everything about that shot is perfect. Wow. She's the most beautiful little Rhubarb, uhh, I mean Ruby, I've ever seen. ;)
Those pictures are amazing!!!
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