Easter 2010
>> Monday, April 5, 2010
I don't think that I ever got a toy for Easter. Eggs yes, chocolate yes, but toys - nope. Well thanks to retailers like Walgreens our children almost expect something other than eggs & chocolate.
Shame on you Walgreens and shame on me for actually feeling like our bunny had to give something extra. The girls each got a hair band in their baskets. They would have probably been happy without it but for whatever reason I felt the bunny HAD to do a little extra.
The girls each got to do 2 egg hunts. Violet did 1 at our local library while Piper was enjoying one of her own at preschool. Saturday we went to a church who did their hunt big. It was so much fun!
The girls talked to the bunny
and played on the 5 inflatables that were there. Their favorite was this huge slide.

I tried to get a picture of all 3 girls but as per normal not all of them were looking at me. So I cropped Violet out lol :)
Yesterday we concentrated on explaining to the girls that Easter is not all about egg hunts & baskets. They are really starting to understand the bible stories now that they are getting older. We had a little egg hunt in the morning b/c it is tradition with Matt's family. Yard work, some "fishing" in the lake, and a little swimming filled our day. But I managed to look down and see this
It was found in our neighbors yard but I sure hope it brings us some good luck. I guess by looking at Piper's hand she did quite a bit of swimming :) In typical zoo fashion we forgoed ham and instead dined on hotdogs - served all the way of course. You know the first time I ordered one of these down here I took a bite and thought "Brilliant!".
Then came "bessert"
and a walk to give the horse and goats down the street a carrot treat

Happy Easter!
It's horrible because I'm glad Easter is over so we can STOP talking about Jesus' death for a while. I also explained about 14,000 times why it's called "Good Friday" when a bad thing happened. I'm ready for a break!
Glad you had such a great holiday - your girls are gorgeous. What a pruney hand!
Now see, that's the kind of weekend I've envisioned in my mind, but didn't get around to doing. :) And I can.not.believe. that you all have been swimming already. That's unreal!!!
It looks like a wonderful weekend! I'm so jealous that you're already able to go swimming!
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