
>> Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mama is not ready! What for? Kindergarten. So the school that Piper will attend had their registration Friday and I NEEDed to go but I just didn't want to. Every part of me wants to keep her home. She loves being here. You want to know why she isn't totally on board for homeschooling? It is b/c she is afraid that she will have to "watch" Ruby. Ruby is at an age right now that I can't get anything done w/o someone helping to keep her occupied. Cook, clean, wash dishes - can't do any of them w/o my little helper between my legs. Piper is that person whom I turn to for a little assistance throughout the day. She thinks that Ruby will forever need someone to "watch" her and she doesn't want it to be her lol :)

Back to school. What a different experience when I didn't have to deal with the old bag of a receptionist. They were all "No problem coming in today" and even a "Thank you so much for taking the time to come". Really? No pointing at your little list and telling me in a derogatory tone that basically I am a failure for a mother b/c I don't have a power bill AND her birth certificate? Whatever.

On a totally unrelated subject. Would you ever ask a woman who is carrying a 7 month old babe if she is "pregnant again?" I was asked this after having Violet and the tramp that did the asking was at K reg. today. Hubs thought I wasn't very nice completely blowing her off. Thoughts?

Why a negative post? Irritation. And, I am waiting for my dishes to dry. Didn't I tell you? We got a new dishwasher. Woot Not! Here it is...

For the past month my dishwasher has been broken. And it still is. I am the new dishwasher at our casa. Lucky me.

So, there is my rant for the week. I should do a different website to rant on rather than let my few blogging friends know what a complainer I really am but I can't even keep up on my 365 blog so having 3 blogs would be impossible.

I feel better now.


Angela Friend Saturday, April 17, 2010  

Oh I can relate to your school pain! It is really hard for us to send our little ones off to big school to begin with, then to have to deal with school staff and other parents that rub you the wrong way! It is too much! My girls were at a larger school when we lived in town and I can't tell you how many times I chewed my tongue out to not lash out at people! Thank God, we moved out of town to a small school community where all the people know us and are so wonderful! I think I would have killed someone if my oldest had to go to middle school in that horrible school district! Anyway.... Vent it up, we have all been there and will always listen!
Enjoy your weekend!

Pete Saturday, April 17, 2010  

We have ALL had days like this and it IS comforting to know. I went through the reg for K last was hard for me too but we found an awesome school and my son has really benefited! You will all adjust with time...Good luck to you :) Have a great week-end!

Joey Lynn Resciniti Sunday, April 18, 2010  

I would never ask ANY woman if she's pregnant. A woman could be giving birth and I wouldn't ask.

I'm not ready for kindergarten either. I think I'll have horrific separation anxiety. My daughter is excited to leave me!

Kimberly Tuesday, April 20, 2010  

I don't know why, but your pretty smile has me smiling in return. Some days suck don't they? I think having a broken dishwasher would royally screw up my entire month. I *deplore* washing dishes! It's bad enough just having to load and unload the washer. LOL!

(And don't forget that you have a place to "vent" and "whine" should you ever need it.)

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I am 45 years old and married to my best friend Matthew. We are the parents of 3 girls, 2 dogs, and a cat. This is the story of us, try to stay awake.
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