Our Beauties

>> Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I feel better this week than I did last. Ruby has been sleeping one stretch at night for 3 hours - it is like I am a new woman after that huge nap. Both Piper and Violet are getting used to her being around and I am trying very hard to play extra with them when I don't have a babe nursing. It is just amazing what a little sleep can do for a mama - hopefully Matt is noticing that I am smiling a bit more than I was last week and am not as short with him.

I know that the focus is a little off on these but the girls looked so beautiful I had to post them anyway :) I might have to try this again when the kiddos are in as good of moods as they were today and wanting to spend time holding babes and see if I can't get better results. Normally I am not much of a special effect person but I have just been loving the antique finish on some of my pictures lately.

Another year in the books

>> Monday, March 30, 2009

So I changed my profile today with a few new facts. I am now a mama of 3 girls, very cool. Ugh, last week I turned another year older, that sucked! Another year older, another year wiser, a new babe, and a lot more tired :)

Monsters vs. Aliens

>> Sunday, March 29, 2009

Monsters vs. Aliens came out on Friday. I have no clue if it is even good or not but it looked cute and Piper was drawn to the commercials, probably b/c she liked Monster's Inc. so much. She had not been to a movie yet in the theater but I knew she would sit though one so I asked Matt if he might like to take her this afternoon for a Daddy & Piper date. They had a great time and she kept the 3D glasses on almost the entire time. Matt said that she just loved eating all the popcorn and the big screen. Gosh I wish I would have been there to see it all, my baby is growing up :)

I have been feeling bad for Piper lately. It is my own fault for the most part, I just expect too much from my 3 year old. She has been so great with the new baby coming home and I know that it is quite an adjustment for her too even though she acts like she just wants to be mama's helper. One thing that I have noticed that I need to work on not allowing to happen is if Piper has something and Violet wants it Violet will SCREAM until Piper just finally gives in and lets her have whatever it is she is screaming for. The worst part is that I have let her give up *insert whatever here* and that is totally unfair to my oldest. So, I am going to work really hard on that even though I know that there will be tantrums but I want to teach Piper that she doesn't have to be a pushover. Share, yes - give up *whatever*, no. Hopefully today made her feel like the special little girl that she is. When I asked what her favorite part was she said it was being with her Daddy, awww.

Ruby Su

>> Friday, March 27, 2009

We welcomed our 3rd daughter this past Monday, only 4 days late :) We are all doing great but I will say it is quite an adjustment going from 2 to 3. I am not sure if the girls are still a little off but they are being a quite a handful and with a new babe who is nursing pretty much all the time it is tougher than I thought it would be. Of course we just all have to figure out a schedule and that takes time so my blogging might be far and few in between but you never know :) Anyway, here she is...

Ruby Su
8 lbs, 19 1/2" long

And while mama was away at her hospital vacation Daddy and the girls were at home playing around outside - this actually looks really good compared to what I saw come into my hospital room :) Poor Violet has 2 left feet and took a spill on our driveway.

Still the baby

>> Sunday, March 22, 2009

Violet will tell you that she is my baby and still refers to herself as Baby Violet. She will always be my babe same as Piper. I have been feeling pretty tired lately and have nothing to report on the new baby front so here is our babe for now :)

Matt's at work but when he gets home maybe I will try and get a family shot or a 40 week 3 day belly shot :)

A Princess and her feel frog

>> Sunday, March 15, 2009

I am HORRIBLE at the kiddo's baby books so Matt asked me to post about something near and dear to our youngest daughter's heart - her frogs.

She is a total princess and plays dress up constantly. We get to watch shows where she dazzles us with her ballerina "moves". How funny is it that Violet also love's frogs and lizards - where she got any of that I am not sure :) I think that she might have gotten her first plastic frog at Halloween but I can't be sure b/c honestly we have that much stuff. Anyway, we have regular plastic frogs but then we have 2 squishy frogs and Violet lovingly refers to those 2 (her favorite btw) as her feel frogs. We must find these frogs at least 5 times a day b/c a 2 year old has the tendency to set them down and not remember where she puts them. It is like the lost blanket all over again only about 1/100th the size. The frogs must get placed next to her bed at night and when we leave the house she likes them in her pockets. I love when kids find their pockets and love even more finding out what they choose to put in them. The other day Violet and I left by ourselves for errands and she packed her purse with frogs and lizards. Will we get her a live one in the near future? Not sure at the moment but it is a possibility - that might be cool for her. Now we have a herpetologist to go a long with our little geologist that reside at the zoo :)

They did it!!!

>> Monday, March 9, 2009

Yesterday morning Matt asked Piper what it would take for her to stay in her room ALL night by herself - more stuffed animals in bed was the answer. So, last night she took probably 10 extra stuffed animals into bed to keep her and Violet company. Piper woke up 3 times. She whimpered and cried but it wasn't the full on cry that wakes up Violet so we figured she was pretty tired out from our big day yesterday and we left her and just kept telling her we were right across the hall. The last time though she told Matt that she didn't think that the extra animals were going to do it - so darn funny! Anyway, that was the last time she woke up until this morning at 5:30! I am so proud of her and have been telling her so all morning. We promised them a very special treat when they both stayed in the room all night so this morning they each got a Sleeping Beauty barbie and haven't put them down. Will this trend continue? I am not sure but I will say that hopefully each night will get easier from here on out *fingers crossed*.

I swear Violet smiles on occasion just never when there is a camera around :)

"Can I tell you a secret?"

>> Sunday, March 8, 2009

*whispering and spitting into ear*
"Do you have to go to work after your nap?"

The girls are HILARIOUS with their secrets but generally this is the only one that they ask lately and it is always directed to Matt, of course b/c I am always with them. They got a special answer though on Friday night when they asked him b/c he got to answer "No, I don't have to go to work tomorrow". Yeah, we got to spend a Saturday with Daddy! What did we do?

First, we woke up early and had to head to Babies-r-us to get a new gate for the top of the stairs. I know that after the new babe comes we will be getting visitors and I want their kiddos to be safe and our gate was accidently broken by someone so we needed to have it replaced. After getting the gate Matt let me try, OBVIOUSLY unsuccessfully, to walk the baby out again by quickly walking the mall and then letting the girlies ride the carousel b/c they behaved. THEN he took me to my old favorite restaurant near by and to my surprise the meal that they had once taken off the menu was back on. Shrimp en Brochette, it is shrimp & jalepanos wrapped with bacon and then a spicy cheese sauce to dip it in. Comes w/dirty rice and their to.die.for veggies. So yummy! Here is Matt and the girls while we were there.

When we got home we cleaned out the garage - again - and let the girls play. It was such a perfect day yesterday and Matt and I even had a "date" and watched a movie after the girls went to bed. Still no babe but we plan on taking the girls for a nice walk today since it is BEAUTIFUL here - a mama's got to hope right :)

Done, Done, Done!

>> Friday, March 6, 2009

So many things are *hopefully* done this week.

I am not sure that I have ever been so ready to have a baby and so over being pregnant before. Today I am 38 weeks pregnant and know fully well that I may have to go another 2+ weeks before delivering but that does not change the fact that I wanted it to happen yesterday. No, not that yesterday was such a great day but I want it over, done with. I want to meet our new babe and our new life to start already. With Piper I had so much patience with my pregnancy and Violet came a few weeks early so she was a surprise - maybe that is where this is coming from b/c it happened early once so I am hoping/praying constantly that it will happen that way this time too. We have had some nice cool weather the past few weeks so I have had zero swelling and I feel pretty good still so that is a bonus.

Today I had an appointment and they said babes head was nice and low - that was it folks! The girls and I went to an outlet mall sort of near our home and walked it and then I had a spicy burrito for lunch, I will do every old wives tale (well except castor oil) until our bean makes it's appearance :) Tonight I will be enjoying sushi with the girls - I wonder if wasabi counts as "spicy" since the heat only lasts for a few seconds. Like I said I am hoping SOMETHING works!

Ok, enough preggo complaining. How about NC? 11 degrees Monday morning and 70+ Friday afternoon - got.to.love.this.state!! Is winter officially done - it would be nice.
Violet has been really funny about Frosty melting outside. She keeps us updated on his deterioration.

Here is what is left and the only reason that this is still here is b/c we don't get too much sun in the spot we made him.

This weekend is supposed to be equally beautiful so I am hoping for our yard to dry out and some fun activities with the kiddos out back. Maybe I can even get a walk out of my husband - he is sick of me being pregnant too, says I am mean. I AM NOT MEAN!! :)

Let it Snow!!!

>> Monday, March 2, 2009

Finally we got some decent snow for the girls to play outside in and I am big and huge and pregnant and don't feel like playing :( Matt came home for lunch and made a few snowmen and also taught them to throw their snowballs better than what I could have done. Piper made snow angels but Violet wanted no part of that - too wet I guess. It is supposed to be 60 here on Thursday and 70 on Friday so I am not expecting this to last beyond tomorrow.

A friend of mine took a picture of a glowing snowman too - must have been weird light today.

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I am 45 years old and married to my best friend Matthew. We are the parents of 3 girls, 2 dogs, and a cat. This is the story of us, try to stay awake.
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