Happy Fall!

>> Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Carolina's have been hit - it is officially fall! Our mornings are chilly and the days crisp. The girls and I headed out for a lunch date with another mama - due with babe next week woo hoo!! Since they were looking all cute and were in good moods I decided to take a few pictures before we left. I am still playing with my processing of the pics so what looks good to my eye might actually be really bad :) BTW, check out the "glove" that Piper is wearing, it is actually the hot pad from her kitchen set but she insisted on wearing it today. Has she been watching MJ on TMZ with me too much lately?

Rare to get one of them smiling together these days b/c normally they are fighting CONSTANTLY!!

We are fortunate to have early voting where we live so after lunch that is what we did. Matt and I both think that is is important to vote together but unfortunately he wasn't able to join us and after today I wouldn't have time until election day and I think (and hope) that it will be swamped at the polls this Tuesday!


Bean makes 3

>> Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We went for our u/s today and I thought I would share a few of the pictures of our little one. I actually tried to talk Matt into finding out what the baby was but he said nope, oh well :) The 3D one is a tad blurry but I think it is still pretty cool and I also think that he/she looks like Violet :) I am only 1/2 way through and I already can't wait to meet my new little babe!


Trunk or Treat

>> Sunday, October 26, 2008

Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat

Last night the mom group that I belong to had a Trunk or Treat - the girls went as dumm da da dum.... Jeff the purple Wiggle & Dorothy the Dinosaur. Piper decided that she wanted to be Jeff this year and since we already had the Dorothy tail from the concert Violet's costume was a no brainer. Everyone had a great time! We might still go out on Friday but if we don't at least they had some fun last night.


Grosgrain mini store opening November 6 (!!!) and big preview giveaway!!

>> Saturday, October 25, 2008

I have a sickness for buying little girls clothing :) Normally I am good and buy from the thrift stores or consignment shops but then along comes something that I don't think my girls can live without and I have to have it!! I save and then it is mine :) Kathleen at Grosgrain is opening one of those shops that will be dangerous for me to shop in b/c I will want to buy it all!! For the mamas of girls check out what she has on her blog and check back again on Nov. 6 and see her store and buy stuff - so it won't all be sitting there tempting me :) What could make it better yet??? Grosgrain is having an awesome skirt giveaway to celebrate the store opening- check it out!!!


Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

>> Thursday, October 23, 2008

OMGoodness!!!!!! What little princess (and I have 2) wouldn't love to wear a beautiful dress like the one that Kathleen is giving away over at Grosgrain? Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!! be still my heart and why couldn't I be a young girl again???


Pumpkin Cat

>> Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We gave Piper the choice of how she wanted the pumpkin carved this year and she chose a cat - imagine that :) Once Matt started to cut it open though my stomach turned and even though I made him separate the goop from the seeds I won't be able to eat any tonight - just not feeling it. The girls were playing dress up and Violet happened to pick the witch's dress to wear - those are not their Halloween costumes. Here are the highlights...


The Lucky Spell

>> Monday, October 20, 2008

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Halloween is growing near
If she wins we will all cheer!

Alright, here is Piper's submission for CVS's coloring contest. She took her time and tried not to hurry through the project like she sometimes does. I love her imagination and choices of colors. Anyway, the winner gets a $10 gc but being the CVS addict I am mama will take that and put the money in her bank :)


The Pumpkin Patch

>> Thursday, October 16, 2008

Well, it is still in the 80's here in the Carolinas so it doesn't feel like fall AT ALL but we still headed out to the pumpkin patch today so the girls could see the animals and do the hay ride. Thankfully my girlfriend who organized the whole thing chose a 9 am farm tour so it wasn't quite so hot :)

Piper loved the pot bellied pigs - Violet, not so much. The way that Piper has been wearing her sunglasses has got me smiling - she is totally copying her daddy.

Finally the girls and their prized pumpkins!

I hear that the cooler weather is on it's way though - the weatherman promised!


For just one more day

>> Friday, October 10, 2008

Violet is my baby. I mean there may be more days b/c when is that last day anyway? Violet has taken the plunge and is potty learning and trying everything to keep up with her big sister in every way that she can. Yesterday she cried so sadly b/c she wasn't allowed to go to Piper's "ballerina class" with her (she isn't old enough). Days when my little babe wants to cuddle and then falls asleep on her mama are the ones that I will hang on to, the one's that show me she still is my baby - for today.

5 Minutes for Mom is hosting a photo contest sponsored by Home and Bedroom Furniture for a bedroom set. I posted awhile back that we are trying to get our office cleaned out to make a big girl's room for Piper and with a new babe arriving a beautiful Lily Rose Bedroom Set would be my little girl's dream and also be a very welcome addition to the house. The mamas over at 5 Minutes for Mom will be going through the entries and picking some finalists so keep your fingers crossed that our little Violet will get chosen! You don't have to be a blogger to enter this so go and check it out!



>> Thursday, October 9, 2008

I put together my last grouping of pictures and our beach trip is now officially in the books. Some of the laundry though still remains - bleh! - now I have to go tackle the rest of that :( Don't forget to turn on your volume.


Wordless Wednesday - SHARK!!!

>> Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Not so wordless but I have to say a little bit of why my babe is holding a shark :)

The very last morning of our trip we packed our stuff, ate breakfast, and headed out to build just 1 more volcano and maybe find just 1 more shark tooth. What we found on the beach that morning both freaked me out and fascinated me - 2 sharks. They were small sharks and both were dead but sharks non the less. We still don't know if they were caught or just got in the wrong place at the wrong time when the tide came in. That morning I DID have my camera and decided to let our 21 month old hold 1. I held it too but that is way less interesting right and Piper well she had no interest.


Vacation - another post??? Yep!

>> Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Of all the things to see I am not even sure which surprised me the most. Vacation this year held a lot of surprises for us to uncover. I have never seen a jelly fish besides at an aquarium but let me tell you they scare the heck out of me. I believe we were on the island 1 day when Matt found the first one. It was not alive and had got washed up in the tide. The next one we found however WAS alive and Matt quickly scooped it into a bucket and put it back in the ocean. Then a few days later while I was walking on the beach I stepped on one, afterwards screaming "I just stepped on a jelly fish, when should it start stinging?" - it was dead so the answer to my question was never but it was still something that I don't want to do again. When we went and visited the fishing pier we must have seen 10 of them swimming around and then there was the one that brushed up against Matt and stung him - slightly but what freaks me out is that we were all out there swimming and it could have been one of the girls. By the end of the week I would just be walking and say "jelly fish" and Matt would come over and see if it was still alive and either save it or toss it by the dunes. I can't be sure but I think that the storm stirred them up. No pictures b/c out of all the sightings I NEVER ONCE had my camera with me, can you believe it?

Hello little dolphins dancing and playing outside of our house - we LOVE watching you! Thanks for gracing us a few times with your presence. I did manage a horrible picture :(

While down at the fishing pier we got to see a King Mackerel get reeled in. A man and his son were fishing and were lucky enough to get one. It was really neat to see the dad struggling with the pole and having his son "help" him to catch the fish. After it was all done (10 minutes or so) the dad said "How do you feel to catch your first big one" - made me tear up. The little boy was so proud. Our girls thought that the big fish was pretty darn cool - all 18.5 pounds of it! No pictures on the pier b/c I was afraid to bring my camera out and look like a total tourist - b/c I am sure they couldn't tell already right?

Each morning we awoke to the shrimp boats and each morning when we opened the blinds the girls would shout "Shrimp Boats!" like it was the first time they had seen them. They liked how the birds seemed to always follow behind. Kids find the smallest things so fascinating - I love it!

Oh how I wish that we would have found this little urchin the day we were leaving rather than a few days before - he might have found a new home in our tank. It was getting to be late but we decided to take just 1 more walk before getting ready for bed and there inside of a sea shell I saw him. If I did not have our salt water tank I would have walked right by but I stopped in my tracks. He was still alive so we threw him back of course and I hope that he made it. I think it is pretty cool that Piper knew what it was too when we showed it to her, not every 3 year old can identify one :)

There are a few other things that we saw that were VERY cool and as soon as I get some time I will write about them too :)


Ahhhh, vacation

>> Monday, October 6, 2008

Ok, so I have been a bad, bad blogger lately but hopefully will get back to posting more frequently. I figure it will take me a week to recap our vacation alone with the minimal time the girls give me on the computer lately. Last week was our family vacation to Topsail and it was so much different from any that we have taken there yet. To start out the coast experienced a Nor'Easter on the Thursday before we arrived, that was what someone referred to it as but I thought those were only in the North East (???). It eroded much of the dunes and many of the stairs to the beach were damaged. The dunes by the beach house we stayed at are normally much higher.

Many of the homes lost their stairs from the storm - luckily for them that was all.

Thankfully on Sunday when we arrived there were already some very nice guys there working on the stairs that we were missing. We only had to cut around the house 1 day and that was really easy since the dune was completely gone next door. Not only did the storm do a lot of damage but it stirred the ocean which gave us some interesting beach combing during the week. That will be a post in itself. There was not a day that went by though that we didn't have a pocket full of screws to bring home and throw out - I would hate to see that in any little kiddos foot or even an adults for that matter.

Our week was glorious! The weather couldn't have been better! Early in the week it was still in the mid 80's and then cooled to the mid to high 70's for the remainder. Ahhhh, perfect weather for this pregnant mama! It rained for maybe a total of 1 hour and it was a little overcast for an afternoon. Until Friday the beach was basically ours, I LOVE vacationing there in the fall!

Our Violet decided that it might be a good week for her to try potty learning - um what? So much for vacation when it came to that - ugh! I was pretty laid back with Piper and didn't even attempt until she was over 2 1/2 so it was super easy with her. Now the baby is another story. She wants to go potty at the very least 100 times a day - seriously no lie! Thank goodness that Matt was there though b/c he did most of it as he never got sick of her and her "Come on-k Daddy". She is ending certain words with a "k" sound lately too. Piper would come out and say "Mama, Violet went potty! Come and give her the big thumbs up!" She is doing pretty well at it so far for a 21 month old. There is a possibility that when the novelty wears off we will be back to dipes but that is ok b/c well I love all my dipes that I will probably miss them (sad cd addiction).

Friends of ours have moved to the coast also and of course we hooked up. Barry was kind enough to take the time to give Matt a tour of the Wilmington port which of course my husband LOVED.

The operator of the crane even let Matt drive :)

Here are a few views from when they were up at the top - WAAAYYYY to high for me to EVER feel comfortable!

Afterwards we all ate at a little seafood place on the river and then Barry and Lisa joined us for ice cream - yummy! They were filming One Tree Hill across the river while we were on the boardwalk and Piper decided to throw a tiny mini crying fit so either that take was a cut or at some point someone might hear our kid screaming across the river :) I don't watch the show but it was kind of cool to see them doing that.

More pictures and memories to follow. I do hope that I remember most of it so that the girls will always have this since they are too young and pictures don't really tell the true story. This is why I blog, for my girls - oh and also b/c I am 37 and will forget what happened a day later - stinks getting OLD!

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I am 45 years old and married to my best friend Matthew. We are the parents of 3 girls, 2 dogs, and a cat. This is the story of us, try to stay awake.
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