Hypothyroidism and Me :(
>> Tuesday, August 2, 2016
I know that I am not the only one who struggles with an inactive thyroid. Heck, I didn't even know mine wasn't perfect until I thought I was having a heart attack. Turns out I was having one heck of an anxiety attack while driving my children home from Ohio in May. I pulled the car over and found a local mall and the girls and I took about an hour and just hung out. Needless to say this prompted me to make an appointment with my primary care doctor.
I didn't want to go to this appointment. Why? My weight has been slowly creeping upwards and I honestly didn't want some man to tell me I should lose weight. I have been running between 15 and 25 miles a week and have not been overeating but could not explain this gain except age. You know I did turn 45 this year and ever since 40 I haven't been able to lose weight. Shoot let's just push that back to since having babies because I have never lost that extra 20 pounds.
So I sat there with him and he listened to me babble on about this and that and told me he didn't think I was having a heart attack. Whew. He did want to take some blood work though. Ok, that's easy enough and I was out of there! What happened next has opened my eyes to so much that I have been dealing with the past year. The nurse called to tell me that I had elevated TSH levels and they would like me to retest in 4 weeks. I immediately got on the computer and have to say I was stunned. Basically I had ever.single.one of the symptoms for hypothyroidism. ALL of which I previously blamed on age!
A month later I was back in and my levels had gotten even higher. They put me on Levothyroxine and sent me on my way. It hasn't been very successful so far I am sad to say. The extreme fatigue that I felt is still there, I feel really weird in my chest after taking the pills, I have gained another 5 pounds, I still wake up each night with insomnia, my hair is falling out worse than ever and I have had my period twice in one month. Not the happy ending I had hoped for. Right now I am trying to decide what route to take. I may try and see an Integrative doctor once the girls go back to school. We'll see.