How the heck are we already beginning the 2015 school year? Well my last post it was 2013 so I ask where oh where has the time gone?
So what has happened from May 2013 until August 2015? WAY too much to every post about but I am hoping to blog a little bit more now and then. Life passes you by and I really love my blog to look back and relive those memories.
Piper is starting 5th grade. Such an awesome girl. We are very blessed however she is starting to get that tween sassiness that I know will come full fledged in just a few years. She
tries to boss her sisters around but mostly has no luck. If I hear it escalating it usually ends up with her cleaning bathrooms or vacuuming stairs. This girl though is such a special person. She is giving, sweet, and just a fun kid to be around.
Violet starts 3rd grade this year. What? EOG's? REAL grades? Mama isn't ready for this yet but Violet sure is! Boy has this daughter of ours blossomed in school. She is a really awesome student and often times gets asked by her teachers to help them with odd jobs. This year Violet decided to go retro and have her hair cut in the style she did back when she was 4 and donated her hair to Locks of Love. I think she looks amazing!!
Ruby Su. Oh.My.Heart Ruby is starting 1st grade and never even looked back when she hopped in the car. This will only last a few months though because baby girl tires of school and it is a REAL struggle to get her out of the car and through the doors in the morning. Once there she is fine but holy hell the morning I have getting her to that point! I may have resorted to buying Dum Dums and bribing. Not proud but you gotta do what you gotta do!
I miss these girlies when they are gone. Monday I ate my breakfast and it WAS STILL HOT! I picked up the living room and it stayed clean ALL DAY! What? Not to mention the fact that I took a shower and wasn't asked "Can I take a shower with you Mama?". But I missed them so much. Then they came home and 5 minutes later when the fighting began knew that school is a good thing. I just wish it wasn't so many days.
Good luck to you all on your 1st days and the 2015-16 school years!
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