Monday Mingle 1.30.12

>> Monday, January 30, 2012

It was a busy weekend! Monday will have to be a catch up day for us. Quick mingle and now I have a house to clean up. Bleh!

1. “I’d be rich if I had a dollar for every time I ____________”
2. Which holiday do you feel doesn’t get the respect it deserves?
3. What do you wish you were better at?

Eighty MPH Mom


Project 366 - Week 4

>> Sunday, January 29, 2012

Here is the rest of our week. It was really nice and I have been feeling increasingly better every day! I just love the 2nd trimester :)


Ruby and I play with Photo Booth a lot at night. She loves picking out the different effects. I chose this one because we sort of blend into 1 ♥

26/366 Supper. Always better with some guacamole :)

Supper. I could live on guacamole. Being pregnant I allow myself to indulge way more than when I am not. Good fat right? My girls on the other hand could live on this Mexican Casserole. It is my winter go to quick meal.


Friday it was 65 degrees here in NC. Can we get an "Ahhh!" This has been such a mild winter. Rain and all the temperatures haven't dipped down very much. I love it!


You know how some people go to grand openings of really haute stores? I went to my own on Saturday. Dragged the girls 45 minutes away to the grand opening of the newest Goodwill. I will have to share an entire post of the goods I got.

Until next week...


Wordful Wednesday - Rain, Rain Go Away!

>> Wednesday, January 25, 2012

School was out on Friday and Monday for teacher work days. It rained Everyone loves a rainy day to hang out on the couch and watch movies but for 5 days it rained. Wow. We did manage a few craft projects though and that brightened the mood. Daddy was home this weekend and that always makes the girls happy. Not all bad. Just rainy.


Yep, another late night and I forgot to snap a pic. I am turning my phone on the animals now because the girls are getting tired of me :) Pica is bugged by me too can you tell?


This weather has made my head hurt. Every day. It hurt so bad on Monday and nothing would take the pain away. Oh how I miss Advil. My girlfriend Leslie brought the girls and I some treats. My kiddos thought that those cookies were the bomb! They loved them!


My girl. See what is in the sky? It is sun! Glorious sun! It felt so good to stand outside and just let it warm you up. It changes everyone's mood!

Check out my post from yesterday! Awesome giveaway for Valentine cards from Pear Tree Greetings! Ends 2/2.


Pear Tree Greetings Valentine Card Giveaway!

>> Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I love Valentine's Day and I always have. Thing is hubs works basically every one. I am not sure that he has been in town in the 13 years we have been together once. It's all good though because now I have kids. The girls and I have been working on a few projects to decorate the house and make it explode hearts. If I can't have a romantic date night with my love I will go all out to make it special for my girls.

This year I have 2 in school who will be exchanging cards with classmates. We received the sweetest Valentine's for my 5 year old preschooler to give to her classmates. She looked her choices over and over before deciding on the polka dot petal design. I have to say that they are absolutely adorable! This made such a fun afternoon project for us to do together.

There are quite a few designs to choose from and Pear Tree Greetings has a great selection of both boy and girls cards.

Now just in time for Valentine's Day you can win $25 towards your Valentine's Day product purchase. Ready?
Mandatory Entry:
Want Extra Entries? Complete 1 or all! Giveaway closes at 11:59 pm on February 2, 2011 and I will announce the winner on the 3rd.

As a Pearista, I am proud to be a brand ambassador for Pear Tree Greetings. Pear Tree has helped tens of thousands of customers celebrate life’s shareable moments with a collection of uniquely personal, high-quality greetings and stationery. Pear Tree offers Save the Date cards, kids Valentine cards, graduation invitations, address labels, and dozens of other high-quality paper products, so you can seize every opportunity to connect with others.


I heart faces - By The Book

>> Monday, January 23, 2012

Piper is becoming a pretty good reader. Thing is she reads really great but I know that she isn't really comprehending the longer chapter books that she gravitates to. I prefer her to read the easier chapter books that still have a few pictures. With the easier books she can describe the storyline so much more. Am I holding her back?

It has been dreary here for a week. Piper does what she always does when she has extra time - reads. I should have tried to make this shot more cheery since it is a fairy book she is reading but I am starting to let the gloom get to me as well.

By the book


Project 366 - Week 3

>> Saturday, January 21, 2012

I don't really know how to title these posts. I might try and break them up throughout the week because it is sort of overwhelming to do it all at once. I came down with some sort of bug again this week. For having such a mild winter I have been sick more this one than I have the last 5 combined. Hopefully I will be on the mend soon and stay healthy. The 8 pounds of oranges that I bought surely can't hurt :)


We took a ride out to Bass Pro Shops on Sunday. The girls love seeing the giant catfish that lives there. It was fun hanging out with them even if it was at a mall - bleh.


My pretties. We had MLK day off so I took advantage and got out my camera. Wow did I really say that?


This was the day I started to get sick. I couldn't shake the chill I had so we all went to bed. As I was waiting for Ruby to get comfy I realized "Oops, no pic today" so I snapped this one.


Still sick the girls decided to make me a Squinkie cake. See that hair in the cake - yep that is because I didn't vacuum that morning. 1 day and our house is overrun with dog hair. I love them but...


My buddy. Even when I am feeling bad that little girl either crawls up and cuddles with me or persuades me to play "kitchen". I love and treasure this time that is just her and I. I had it with all of the girls and then they go and grow up and head to school. Next year Ruby will go to preschool. Where has the time gone?


She takes that rolling backpack ever.y.where. We are coming home from picking up Dolphin Tale because Friday was family movie night! Yay! I was going to have their Daddy surprise them by just coming home at a normal time with a pizza and movie but with them having the day off school I needed some leverage to keep the fighting to a minimum.


I got "Wow" and "You are a great chef" when I gave them their plates this morning. Had I known the response I would have made these a lot earlier :) Mama normally makes round pancakes *gasp* In addition to these they devoured a bee, some hearts, a race car, and a pig. Mama ate round pancakes because I was pretty hungry after making all those things :)

So there is our week. Hubs asked if I was going to update the old bloggity blog this week so there it is! By the way today (Jan 21st) is National Hugging Day! Spread some love and give a hug ♥


Another week in pics

>> Sunday, January 15, 2012

Where do they go. Seriously. This month is flying by! Here is what we did this week.

8/366 our little pasta maker

Girls learned how to make pasta. Obviously not at our house :) However it was easier than I thought it would be and if the Kitchen Aid fairy brings me the pasta attachment I might try it at the zoo someday.

We had to run an errand on Monday night so Violet suggested sushi. It has been awhile since I have been out for sushi and it was really good!


Seems my week is revolving around food. Sometimes you have that! This was the homemade pizza I made for our family. Hubs asked what was up with the organic whole wheat crust and organic sauce. Should I tell him about the turkey pepperoni?

11/366 the girl and I

The girl and I. Still no bed time for Ruby. She is wide open at night as well so it makes for entertaining evenings.


I wanted to try a new app I downloaded for my phone with a moon shot but it didn't work. The 13th I realized it was the only shot I took on the 12th. I think that the 366 project is supposed to be more meaningful than my "Oh shoot I didn't get anything but this moon shot. I guess it will have to do."

See last blog post


Took the kids bowling. The little girl we brought with us kicked some booty! It was fun but I tell you I can't handle more than 1 game with our littles. They get bored and then antsy. 10 frames was all we needed - oh and 1 1/2 hours later.

One thing that I have realized so far is that this year I have barely picked up my camera. Sort of depressing to me. I haven't been feeling very well with my all day nausea and my home and hobby have suffered most. Not complaining because I feel very blessed but I do hope that the magical 2nd trimester feeling fab starts soon.


Project 52 - 2/52

>> Friday, January 13, 2012

Made With Love ♥


Piper hasn't seen her father this week. She is a daddy's girl and totally is missing him. We thought we would see him on Tuesday and they made signs and notes but we didn't. I think that they have left these things hanging just in case he comes home before we are all in bed. They will be there for him on Saturday morning and I am sure he will be greeted with hugs, kisses, and elbows.

(13/366 too)

It has been a rocky 13 1/2 weeks. Sadly this pregnancy has already had it's fair share of ups and downs. There has been a lot of bleeding and my nerves are shot. I've spent the last 3 months trying to wrap my head around the fact that we might have another little one running around the zoo in July but not getting my hopes up because, unfortunately, I know miscarriage all too well. That all changed at my appointment right after the new year. The doctor couldn't find the heartbeat so we went to get an ultrasound. When I first saw the baby it was sleeping but it had a heartbeat. Then it woke up. The flood of emotions that I felt at that moment watching our little one rolling around made everything so real. I was feeling again and all I knew at that moment was how much I already love that little baby and how badly I want him/her in our life. I was afraid to say it before and was trying to guard my heart but I can't do that anymore. This past week I heard that beautiful heartbeat again and it was as overwhelming as the u/s. Keeping something you want so badly a secret so you won't have to tell everyone the bad news is hard on your heart. There is no guarantee still but I feel good entering my 2nd trimester. I am really looking forward to telling the girls this weekend and I hope that they will share the joy and excitement that their father and I have.
project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
In The Picture


I heart faces - Best Face of 2011

>> Monday, January 9, 2012

How do you choose? The photos I take all mean so much to me and I have my mommy goggles on almost all the time. Don't we all? I ended up choosing this one because I can almost hear her laughing when I look at it. That in between baby and grown up laugh. Contagious.

smile 6.15.11 (1 of 1)


My week in photos

>> Saturday, January 7, 2012

I am going to really try hard and do the 366 project this year. I said in my goals post earlier this week it was going to be easier with my iPhone. I do believe that. So here is our week!


I received this beautiful necklace and just love it! It is from Krafty Kash. I thought it was fitting for my first shot of the year. Inspire. I hope that I remain inspired.


Baby girl is sick. Slept on me all day. I love all that cuddle time but wish she was feeling better. She is one snuggly little baby though.


Tree needs to come down! I love the lights but need my whole living room back. We have too much stuff!


We got an Oriental Trading catalog in the mail. You would think it is a toy catalog the way our girls covet it. Seriously they won't let me throw it away. Finally it will be falling apart and they will agree. A few days later another will come :) Who needs library books?


It is so sad seeing her mope around the house. She was sick most of the week. No mama wants to see this pathetic little face.

6/366@farateam I love our new Kindle Fire and so does baby girl! Thank You!!

I won a Kindle Fire from Fara Now which is a website that has all-in-one shipment tracking & notifications right in 1 spot. I sent a tweet and was their 1st of 10 winners. Wheee! They are giving away 4 more if you are interested :) Anyway, the Kindle came, was charged, a few free apps and books download, and it was immediately swiped out of my hands. My girls have taken it over. Not forever though because I actually put a book on there I want to read. I am amazed though at how yesterday when we had to take Ruby to the doctor (yes she was still sick) the girls sat perfectly quiet in the small exam room. Not a peep. I even told my girlfriend that I remember the days of them bouncing off those walls. Modern technology certainly has it's place in the zoo's life.


Hubs got a new position at work. Yay!

There it is. Thank goodness for my iPhone! This week would not have gotten done without it!


Project 52 - 1/52

>> Friday, January 6, 2012

Some days life gets really busy and I forget that I love taking out my camera. It's my time and a lot of us mamas don't give ourselves enough of that. So I have a few projects going this year but I am not going to stress on them but rather try and enjoy them. If life comes at me all crazy like then I will tend to it. A more laid back me. Let's see how that works out :)

The theme this week is Resolution. I try not to make them but there is one that I know I do and this year I am going to try and curb. Shopping. Now I am not a mall shopper but rather a Goodwill/thrift store shopper. I clothe my family nicely for not much but I am sort of addicted! I will go and buy my girls clothes and they don't really need them but they are so nice I just can't pass them up. We live in a house with small closets and rooms so when all the laundry is done it doesn't all fit. *blush* Thankfully I stink at laundry so it seldom is all done. So I am going to resolve to not frequent my haunts each week but maybe hit them every other. Baby steps people.


So Piperoni has been taking pictures with her iPod Touch like crazy! She decided to do this project with me but I don't want to explain resolution to a 6 year old so she will be snapping a pic of something she loves at that moment. This year I hope to get out my old d50 and teach her how to use it. For now we are both happy with the little camera on that iPod. Here is her shot of Marley. She tried to pose her but the dog wanted no part of getting her picture taken.

Piper 1/52

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge


Resolutions, Challenges, and Goals for 2012

>> Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I have been down this road before. Resolve and then feel like a failure when you, ah you know, fail. Last year my resolutions were:
1. I want to be a better mama.
2. Play more with my girls.
3. Get out more with my husband without kids.
4. Continue being the joyous person I have become. Don't spit out your water Matt because it's true you know, I have yet to tell off the school receptionist :)
5. Quit using b/c and why? BECAUSE it bugs me when I do it!

I didn't do too badly. I didn't get out very much with hubs but I do try to be a better mama, I enjoy playing with the girls, and I don't use b/c anymore on my posts. It just isn't in me to be joyous everyday. I was just setting myself up to fail on that one :) This year I will continue with those because they make our family life better and that is all I want for us. A happy family.

I didn't get every week of the selfie project done so I decided not to host this year :) However, I am still going to participate. Corey @Living and Loving Every Minute Of It will take over our group where I will still submit photos but I am also joining in on the selfie project by Urban Muser. She will give 1 topic a month but Corey will do each week. If this is your year to get in front of the camera please join in!

Since getting my iPhone I take a picture almost every day so I decided to try another 365 project but this year it will be 366. Happy Leap Year! I think with using both my digital and iPhone it will be something I will be able to do.

My blog needs a little facelift. Not sure what I will do yet but I definitely need to update that header. I have been toying with the idea of changing things up for awhile but, dog gone it, I am an old tired woman and just haven't gotten around to it. Small goal but there it is.

Another *BOOM* this year care of BJ's Warehouse Club. It is tradition that the zoo girls get fireworks on their birthdays and this year was no exception. They are small but so are our girls. There were "Ooh's and Ahh's" and lots of clapping for Daddy.

Happy New Year!


Memories, Dreams, and Reflections - 2011

>> Sunday, January 1, 2012

Last year I enjoyed doing this recap with Ashley at Ramblings and Photos that I decided to participate again. I really like going through my blog because it brings back so many little memories for me that I might have forgotten.

What did I accomplish? I did a 52 week selfie project and pretty regularly blogged all year. I try everyday to be a better mama then the day before and sometimes I actually am. I try to make our home a place that the girls love to come back to and I try to make our lives somewhat fun. I chose this selfie because I was holding the camera "At Arms Length" and nailed the focus. Total luck :)


I Love You
Matt and the girls 4.28.11

Still Laughing
I mean like since she was about 6 months old. Our little one tickles me. I get mad at her and she goes and does something that completely cracks me up. Makes parenting hard when you have a little comedian like our Ruby running around.

Winter Wonderland
The south can't handle winter. It isn't their fault because they don't normally have to. So when it snows things shut down. For a long time. Like 5 days this past winter. Crazy right?

I turned 40 this past March. I know I don't look a day over 39 right? My girls in true zoo party fashion worked for days on homemade presents for me. I have saved each and every scrap.
box1 (1 of 1)

We totally slacked on the Girls Nights this year. Everyone was so busy and we were all going here and there. When you have a group that can pick up right where you left off though even a few times a year is better than none.
girls night (1 of 1)

I Was Inspired
This summer during our Ohio visit I did a photo walk of my husband's grandparents home. They raised their whole family in that house and sadly passed away at the end of 2010. The memories that little house holds. This is just 1 of the collages that I made. The others can be seen on the original blog post.
Walking 4

Spring Fever
My girls bring me lots of flowers. I need to plant a lot more so that we can enjoy them outside and inside. What mama doesn't love a bouquet of daisies?

My favorite time of the year. Vacation. Our family heads to the beach and we spend the entire week being lazy and having fun. How many months until our next one?

Summer Days
What says summer more than barbecues and s'mores? These were no ordinary s'mores though. We used Reese Cups. Oh.My.Yumminess

A Day In My Life
I did this one for my selfie project. I miss that little baby that has been replaced with a little person.

All Smiles
This is still my favorite shot of our 6 pack from this summer. Oh to be young and carefree like this. Maybe this should be my goal for 2012 - be carefree. Not sure I have it in me anymore.
cousins and friends

Autumn Harvest
I am not sure about harvest as by the time we got to the orchard there were barely any apples left. We will go earlier this year for sure! Still a memory right?

My family means everything to me. These girls are my whole life. Lazy moments like this just hanging out, searching for a 4 leaf clover, and talking are my favorite. Look at those lovely long locks! There are so many days that I miss them but the crying every morning when they had to get their hair combed was sort of miserable.

We do love us a good Fat Tuesday party here at the zoo! It has become another of our traditions. The girls have the most fun making the masks and seeing if their piece of king cake has the princess. One day I will find a baby :) My favorite part of the celebration is seeing everyone have a great time together.
us (1 of 1)

Let's Do It Again
My girls and I love to travel. They have turned into really good little travelers if I do say so myself. In November we traveled to central Florida for the wedding of my friend Sarah. We had hanging out on the beach and swimming in the freezing heated pool. I look forward to the places 2012 will take us!
beach sign

I Miss You
I grieved this year. Even though my miscarriage was at the end of 2010 the pain I feel makes it seem like it was just yesterday.
Shining through the fog
Like a peaceful reminder
Brighter days will come
11.8.11 Foggy Sunrise

Most people that see our Piper for the first time say "Oh my look at her beautiful blue eyes". I realize I choose a black and white shot but you can still see how beautiful they are. My blue eyed beauty.

Dress Up
I still can't believe that this is Piper. Her costume rocked this year! She was just such a beautiful gothic bride. Girl owned it!
Gothic Bride

I don't own a macro lens so this was a tough one for me. I did get this shot though. Just a random bug from our yard.

This was our Christmas tree. Only a few ornaments but mostly decorated by the girls. I will love remembering this tree. The year mama didn't put up ornaments.
Now don't be jealous

My Favorite
I took a lot of pictures in 2011 but this is my favorite. Violet has always been a cute kid but sometime during her 4th year she came into her own. Now she is a beautiful little, quirky, fun-loving girl. This shot of her takes my breath away.

Don't Ever Change
But she already is. Growing up and becoming a big girl every day. I wish I could keep them all my sweet little girls. I have them a little longer :)
Soft and Sweet

Just Because...So There!
I love this shot of us in my yard ball.
Yard Globe

Hopes and Dreams
I hope to continue meeting new people through blogging. Of course I hope to challenge myself over the course of the next year with new projects and I will be continuing with my selfie project. It really made me get creative and some days I just snap randomly. Mostly I hope for happiness and good health for our family and friends. Peace!

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I am 45 years old and married to my best friend Matthew. We are the parents of 3 girls, 2 dogs, and a cat. This is the story of us, try to stay awake.
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