Can't we all just get along?
>> Monday, November 8, 2010
They fight. Even more than Violet and Piper ever fought I believe. You would think that no one would fight with the baby but a lot of the time it is her antagonizing Violet. Then there is the fact that when Violet doesn't give her what she wants she bites her. Some days I feel sorry for Violet :)
We had to figure out a good sleeping situation for when the new baby comes in May. Ruby sleeps with Matt and I but we had such success with moving Violet (2) and Piper (3) out when Ruby came that I have great optimism it will work again for us. Because of the insane fighting we have decided to give Violet her own room (the playroom now) and move Ruby in with Piper. Piper is cool with it b/c she really never wanted her own room to begin with. Violet is a different kid and I think it will be good for her. She wakes up in the morning and talks to her dolls waking up Piper (and ME!!). This way she will be in her own space able to talk to her dolls, stuffed animals, dresser, or whatever without waking the rest of us up. We'll see if this works out. Project will hopefully be complete by the new year. Fingers crossed!
what gorgeous pictures, I know sleeping arrangement can be a bit of a trouble to figure out, but it will all fall in place :-0
Sometimes I think you secretly have a photo studio set up in your home because you take AMAZING portraits. :)
Gosh, I don't know about the fighting. At least you have the option of seperating them!
Violet is my Ruby. Stunningly beautiful, crazy creatures:) I love your blog and getting a glimpse into the dynamics of your girls. They may fight (which they. all. do.) But my goodness-they are gorgeous!
Sounds like your plan is a good one and well thought out too. Your girls are just so beautiful.
Can your girls be any prettier and more adorable?!
The 'baby' often rules the roost. It is the same way here... with Z just bulldozing her way with J most of the time.
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