>> Sunday, February 22, 2009
Nope, not some sort of marathon. Heck, I don't even know what those numbers mean but I see them on stickers on people's cars and figure they must do something like that :) That is how many weeks I am pregnant and I am totally feeling every single one of those days/weeks today. Normally I get little spurts of energy, not today. The girls were sleeping and I was out with Matt and ended up falling asleep on the couch - I am getting old I know that is what it is. There are just not enough hours in a day for me right now b/c I need extra so that I can take breaks. Drywall project almost done - yeah! There are so many things that we need to do to welcome new babe home but the drywall project that I have been staring at for 4 months definitely topped my list. Piper is feeling better but Violet is still under the weather and crabby. I am still sick :( but hopefully this cough/sinus thing that I have left will make a departure early this week. We did manage to clean the playroom - again - and get rid of some things. The girls just get sidetracked by toys normally and aren't the best helpers. Today they couldn't get enough of their jewelry.
Tried for the shot of the girls and I but that didn't work out due to a snap happy husband - most of the photos were blurry b/c he did not wait until the camera could catch up and refocus - *shaking head* - do you know how hard it is to get those girls to sit still for even 5 minutes?
Oh, the girl's room update. Piper calls Matt in every night and that wakes up Violet so she comes and sleeps with me. At least I am off that uncomfortable twin bed - I feel for you Matt.
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