One Tooth, Two Tooth
>> Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Teeth, teeth, teeth.
How many teeth can Ruby cut this week?
2, that is right 2 (so far)!!! Why am I a zombie? Why am I seeing double? There it was yesterday - her other bottom front tooth. Ruby is teething like crazy and not sleeping at night! Not that she ever did but this getting up every couple of hours is NUTS! Babies grow up too fast :( Maybe this blog will make more sense in another few weeks when I am back to her only getting up every 3 hours :) - I will feel like a new woman with all that extra sleep!
Isn't it funny how long they go without teeth, and then WHAM! All of a sudden here they come. I hope it's not too painful for her, or you! :)
Teeth are such a big deal in the lives of babies. It's amazing how something so little can cause so much turmoil. Ruby is just tooo precious! Does she play with them with her tongue. Jillian always did. You could just read her thoughts of "What's this!?!"
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