A few days in Hotlanta
>> Monday, September 7, 2009
Matt had to work in Atlanta this past weekend and when he does I usually pack us up and join him. This time though it was very last minute as we didn't think we were going to be able to go along but it all worked out at the end. We headed down on Thursday night and what a treat for mama - I didn't have to drive! The cutest thing was Violet telling everyone we saw while there or on our way there that we were going to "Hotlanta" - LOVE IT and the folks from there got a huge kick out of her :)
Friday we spent the morning with Matt and had breakfast and then the girls and I headed to an outlet mall. I know what you are thinking, "I'll bet that they had fun there" but we did! We had a mission to find them bedding for their new beds (which we will get this week) and although we didn't find them any it was still a fun girls day and I let them play at the playground 3 times to break up the stores we went to. We actually only went to about 4 stores total but spent time in each of them. Hit that fabulous Atlanta traffic on our way back to the hotel room but kicked back to some yummy Mexican and a margarita with daddy when we got back. It was right next door so we walked, the girls love to walk places now - hilarious!
Saturday was our zoo day. What was I thinking? Labor Day weekend and the zoo, hmmm... What I should have been thinking was that it would have been better to do it on Friday and shop Saturday but I wanted to have the whole day for the zoo. We did have fun even with the crowds. The animals were all out and having a good day. A lemur came running from the other side of the cage to where the girls and I were standing and hung out there for a bit. They asked me to take these pictures of them but when I started to they wouldn't look or smile.
Sunday on our way home we detoured off the highway to visit a little store North of the city. The American Girl Store. As expected our oldest daughter was in doll heaven. Piper thought she might want to ask Santa for one this year for Christmas and now she is certain. She has it narrowed down between 2 - now which will she choose? Decisions, decisions :) Violet, our finally potty trained big girl, who always wanted a scooter when she was fully potty trained asked for a baby instead. We agreed and now she is the proud owner of a new baby - she is currently deciding on a name :)
Now we are home, Matt is back at work today (isn't it Labor Day you ask?), and the girls and I are going to get laundry done and get our lives semi back to reality.
- Jessie
- I am 45 years old and married to my best friend Matthew. We are the parents of 3 girls, 2 dogs, and a cat. This is the story of us, try to stay awake.
Blog Archives
- From Preschool Questionnaire
- Pass the chips please
- What to do about the Swine Flu?
- Little Mama Violet
- 6 months ago today
- Flashdancers
- Around the yard
- Whoever said less is more
- Indian Summer Shirt and Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
- One Tooth, Two Tooth
- Preschool for Piper - Week 2
- Hello little tooth
- How about this for a first dance
- Made by Rae Jackpack Backpack GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
- Preschool for Piper
- Big Sister
- A few days in Hotlanta
- A baby's rhyme
- And we're off...
- I wonder
My Reads
Traditional Irish Soda Bread Recipe and History - Irish Soda Bread is a hearty, delicious addition to the dinner table. And fortunately, it is also incredibly quick and easy to make. Here is a fascinatin...2 days ago
A Week Cooking Without Gas - For the past week, I've been testing a two-burner induction cooktop. If you're new to induction cooking, take a look at this guide. It will help you und...2 years ago
The Advantages of a Sectional Sofa - The advantages of sectional sofas include their flexibility and affordability. They also offer more layout options than three separate pieces of furnitur...2 years ago
Guarding our Children’s Eyes - Ever since I became a mom. One thing I greatly valued was guarding my children’s eyes & heart. I was their mother… and I wanted to protect them. I would ...4 years ago
This feed has moved and will be deleted soon. Please update your subscription now. - The publisher is using a new address for their RSS feed. Please update your feed reader to use this new URL: *http://sevenclowncircus.com/feed/*4 years ago
6 Quick Tips to Protect Outdoor Furniture in the Winter - Disclosure: Lowe’s Home Improvement provided me with free products in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own. Are you looking for some ideas to ...5 years ago
bleeding heart - a heart that does not bleedis not stronger than one that does -it is simply dead already. for self portrait sunday, theme: identity The post bleeding hea...5 years ago
Hiking - The weather has cooled down now and I am so looking forward to more hikes. We haven't really gotten back to hiking regularly since the super typhoon that ...6 years ago
Do-It-Yourself Frozen Grilled Chicken Breast Strips - Do you love the convenience of frozen grilled chicken breast strips like the Tyson Grilled and Ready Chicken Breast Strips? We do, but there’s a few probl...6 years ago
The Disability Blogger Weekend Link-up: you read it here second - *What to do if you're new here* This is a place to share a recent favorite post you've written, or read. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this po...6 years ago
OBOB - I'm coaching Ivy's OBOB team (Oregon Battle of the Books) and heard that a 5th grade team always wins. *Well,* third grade is coming for you, fifth grad...7 years ago
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VINCENT AND THE NIGHT -book is now OUT THERE! - Mila is testing out the new book: Vincent and the Night, via Instagram Read more about the book and find a place to buy it. PS, I rarely update this blog,...9 years ago
Sunbutter Cream Pie (DF, GF, Peanut Free) - *Ingredients:* Box of Healthy Top or two cans of coconut milk, chilled and separated 1/4 cup honey 3/4 cup Sunbutter 2 tsp vanilla Enjoy Life chocolate ch...9 years ago
What I have learned about Golden Retrievers - I grew up with German Shepherds (and still love the breed). Moving to Seattle, we decided to get a golden. Personality-wise, they are quite different. ...10 years ago
Amsterdam's Wonderful Art - Your sac chanel Birkin est vraiment une des and les of TV the topper way is to make one yourself. Ils sont gnralement le modle de pointe popu 3 Download Apl...10 years ago
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