Around the yard
>> Monday, September 21, 2009
I am no green thumb so maybe if I was my flowers might still be blooming but alas they are not and we are going to have to face the fact it is time to get out there and cut everything back for another winter. Today while Violet rode her bike I walked around remembering what a nice summer we did have and how pretty everything did look. It was a dull overcast morning so it was nice to have those happy memories.
Our failed veggie garden - note to self that we don't actually need beans or peas and take a pass on planting them in the future :)
Our neighbor's hydrangea was so beautiful it inspired us to get our own. This is our second year enjoying this gorgeous plant. I even love how it looks now that the vibrant blue is gone.
The rhododendrons do so well, we have 5 of them all white. This one was ready to bloom but for whatever reason decided not to - a broken promise.
Dahlias didn't do much all year until now when everything else is dead :) Oh well, it is nice to see our little red burst of color - unfortunately it is against brown now though.
and finally the reason that I was outside walking around planning my husband's Sunday fall garden cleanup afternoon - our Violet the little bike riding diva herself!
Beautiful flowers!! I have to admit...I'd rather plant 10 rows of potatos than flowers! haha. :) Even my poor flowers in the front flower bed just withered away cuz I never really watered them. But maybe if I look at more beautiful pictures like yours I'll be inspired to water mine next year! :)
I've given up on growing the beautiful flowers (I stick to shrubs now), so it's especially nice to see yours. I love me some morning glories especially. :)
I am so jealous! All of my stuff is partially brown thanks to the Arizona weather and lack of RAIN!!
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