Little Mama Violet
>> Thursday, September 24, 2009
At 2 Piper wasn't as into babies as Violet is. Piper had her duck that she LOVED! Now our Violet has 8 babies and each of them has a name and PLEASE do not call them the wrong name "silly Mama"!
From left to right are
Naked baby, Bottle baby, Bear baby, Bunny baby, Bird baby, Tiki, Carseat baby (little baby), and Taylor Swift (how hard do you think I tried to get her to name her something else?)
The babies MUST sleep with her at night. 2 nights ago the babies took up so much room that Violet fell out of bed so they sleep at the foot of her bed now. Before going to sleep they have to change into their pajamas and then in the morning their daily clothes. Each girl is allowed to bring 1 item with them from our home when we run errands and Violet picks one of her babes every time. The part that is sometimes frustrating for me is that she has to dress them in special clothes to go run errands so we have started to solve that problem by me giving her a 5 minute warning and her babe of choice must be ready to go or she goes naked (which is perfectly acceptable for "Naked Baby" b/c she doesn't have any clothes anyway). Having our girls is really fun :)
That is truly and utterly SWEET! I ♥ girly girls. :)
That is toooo sweet! We have a lot of "naked babies around here."
haha...that is SOOOOO sweet. I love her babies names...I mean, who WOULDN"T want to be named "naked baby?" hehe...too cute!
That is so funny! Steve and I are both cracking up. Especially love Taylor Swift! Maggie and Emma love the real "Taylor Swift" so this just made me laugh. She's a good mama!!!
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