Hello little tooth
>> Saturday, September 12, 2009
Besides her nursing around the clock we would never have known that our Ruby just cut her first tooth. It popped through on Tuesday (9.8.09) this past week. Awww, crawling and now this! Piper starting preschool, Violet potty trained - this is one sad mama b/c her bebes are getting so big :( Don't be fooled by this photo though, she is NOT standing yet. We have a little walker outside that we put her in to cruise around the driveway and b/c it is rough concrete she has to wear shoes. These were Piper's first shoes (and they're not bronzed *gasp*) - boy did we ever get out money out of them :)
A tooth!! :) Look at her...she looks so grown up in that picture too. :) At least teething seems to come easily for her...hopefully that continues!
She looks too darn little for a tooth! But how awesome that it came in so easy. (No crying, yay!) :)
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