Team Up Thursday - Stacked
>> Thursday, January 27, 2011
I can never let a good thing alone. When I saw my stack of quarters I was bored *yawn* so I played, and I played, and I applied an action, then played some more. Step away from the PS Jessie! There was absolutely nothing wrong with the original it was just, like I said, boring. I love seeing what other people read and what interests them and Angie's shot this week gives us a glimpse into what she reaches for. I have not read a whole book in a few years now so I do not know one of those titles. After I get the girls down I over edit pictures and blog or visit blogs. Maybe I should read a book, hmmm.

Do you want to try and do Team Up Thursdays with us? Email Megan, she has someone looking for a partner right now! There is more Team Up Thursdays at Melody's and Megan's.

We're going to a place on Sunday where we'll need a stack like that! Sadly our stacks are all pennies.
My 10 year old son is collecting old (silver)quarters - we've all been enlisted to search through every handful of change EVERY DAY!!! - so I have to tell you - I love the quarter stack :)
Love your photo today! Did you see next weeks theme...behind... know what I want to take a picture of...
Have a great weekend...can't wait until Sunday!
"step away from PS" -- i'm so laughing right now:). it's really a fun shot; i particularly like how it's leaning!
Great pictures... love the books!!
Isn't it funny when someone says "stacked", coins instantly come to mind? You outdid me this time my friend. I should have stepped up to post processing. ;)
You crack me up. I have to step away from PS sometimes too. After awhile I can't even tell if I like it anymore. I don't think your shot is boring at all though. I have to read before I go to bed even if it is for a few minutes. It takes me a LONG time to finish a book.
love this theme. You both have beautiful shots. I read all the time and I didn't know those books, but I'm going to look into them. :)
I love the processing on your coins. It looks like a vintage photo. Sometimes I like to play more just to see what will come next so I completely understand.
I like your edit, but I can totally relate to the over edit urge. BTW- thanks for talking me into the 52 week self portrait project (LOL) I ma enjoying it!
Gutter mind...why was I totally expecting your cleavage on that one? lol nice job with the coins, keeping it G rated and all:)
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