52 Weeks of Me - Daily Activities (5/52)
>> Sunday, January 30, 2011
What do you do in a day. If I had a more open house there would have been a lot of Jessie's but we have an older split level so you get to see a part of my day in just the living room. I wonder how many of these PS'd selfies we are going to see. Ruby loves to put together puzzles and will go and get them and bring them out for me to put together with her. I take them in the bathroom when I need to shower and she is content putting them together the whole time. Love it! Matt is going to chuckle at me actually folding the diapers. They live in the corner of our bedroom lately and when I need one I go to the basket. I remember when I loved cloth diapering. I would fold them immediately and put them in the appropriate baskets so that they were right there and easy to use (so Daddy would use them). When Violet was born I still had Piper in dipes because she was only 17 months old. After your third kid though it isn't as fun anymore and your fluff isn't as clean. Lots of poop stains. I am sorry to the cd community but I don't have time anymore to sun my diapers for nice clean insides and it is too cold for me to drag my happy butt outside with my drying rack. Oh, and I got a super great deal on diapers from Amazon so I am not even a die hard anymore. Lastly, there could not be a shot into my daily living room activities without a shot of nursing Ruby. That child has absolutely no intention on letting it go. By the way. Marley laid in the exact same spot sleeping the entire time we were doing this. I am not happy with the lighting because I had to use my little Speedlight. You would think that with that big window my living room would be lighter but it wasn't.

I used my 18-200mm to so I could get the whole room at 18mm settings were f3.5 1/200 iso 500
Question - what could I have done better because they were all so grainy. I just didn't have the time to reshoot or I would have played more. I bounced the flash angled off the ceiling because the camera was in my hallway. I tried to reduce the noise in ps and then I think I totally ruined it by sharpening it. Anyway, if you have any suggestions it would be awesome! This also shows me that I need a lot of work with my flash :)
Join Cara and I in the 52 Weeks of Me project, it's never too late and is really a lot of fun! Please add your self portrait to our flicker group. Next week is At Arms Length.

Maybe lower ISO and use more flash to get less grain. Very cool collage!
oooo I love this. :)
the breastfeeding shot just melted my heart. If you read my "25 random things" post this week, you know I was an extended breastfeeder, and if I'm really honest....I miss it like craxy.
as for how to not get the grain, I think I would have tried for a lower ISO since you were using the speedlight anyhow. Or I would have lowered the shutter speed. If you underexposed at all....that made the grain at that higher ISO.
all that being said...I have never done one of these sorts of shots....and I really want to, now. well done!
Oh, what a fun shot - I love these! You had a great interpretation of this week's theme! And what a beautiful family! :)
I love your big, cozy living room! :) This is a great picture!
This is so cool! I'd love to have one of those time lapsed videos of a day in our life when Jules was littler. Sadly, now it wouldn't be very interesting.
I love this, I did something similar once with a theme of busy and it was so much fun.
I really love how you put these together! SO cool. =)
Z was weaned only just before she started kindy last Aug (she was 3 year, 4 months by then). Never thought she would stop either! I only used cloth diapers with Z --and only because I loved the different colors and designs that I saw(!); them being more environmentally friendly was a "bonus" and not my primary reason for choosing to use them. =)
Oh, wow. Ive always wanted to compose an image like this. How so appropriate for this theme. Thanks for allowing us into your living room. Mine is cluttered with Lego and laundry as I type.
Good for you for lasting with cloth diapering for as long as you have. I used cd's with my first son but when he was 15 mths we decided to move to a bigger home to accommodate the 2nd baby on the way and I just couldn't contain the smell and evidence of cd's from potential buyers so we gave it up, temporarily or so I thought. For one reason or another cd's just never made their way back into our routine in our new home.
As for advice on how to improve the photo, I will have to leave this up to the professionals. I think it looked great. The graininess was only noticeable to me on the walls after I read your post.
I love this collage! I will have to miss out playing this week. We took a nice weekend trip to san Antonio. We won't get home until late tonight...so my routine is a little off this week!
Great capture, I love how you did this! I need to try doing this one day! I might have tried to lower the ISO also. My camera can't handle high ISO...not sure what camera you use?
To answer you question on the tubes, I love them. I think they are really easy (except for the learning how to manual focus) otherwise they are like putting on any other lens!
Have a great week!
love these "multiples" shots -- didn't even think about that for this week!
Super cool way to give us a glimpse into your daily life.
I love this and must figure out how to do this someday soon. (And don't you wish there were that many of you for real?) :)
Very cool. I love that your dog was in the same spot the whole time, sleeping through it all.
Do a search for "free noiseware", I do believe there is a free plug in available to reduce grain. (I hope I'm not just making that up. :) )
Ok, so you need to teach me how to do this! Super cool interpretation for this week!
Great clone shot! These are my favorite types of SP! I can rarely go without doing a clone on most SPs I take!
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