Pay It Forward
>> Friday, January 7, 2011
I had fun doing the craft swap around Thanksgiving. While visiting a friends blog I saw that she was participating in Ambrosia Clark's Pay It Forward 2011. Of course I was a day late and dollar short but I decided to try it on my own. Perhaps we can get something going here!

Pay it forward 2011: I promise to send something
handmade to the first 3 people who leave a comment here.
To be eligible, you must also post this in your blog,
offering the same thing to 3 other people.
The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it
must be sent to your 3 people *sometime* in 2011.
I am going to really try to get mine done by the end of January. So, sign up here if you are interested in paying it forward this year! You have to have a blog to participate so that you can post and get some other people interested. Let's see how far this can go!
oh pick me! How fun!
Fun! I'm in! I'm not too crafty, but I'm sure I can come up with something!
Oh fun! I'm in! Not sure it will be something fabulous I hand make - but it will have "LOVE" lol :)
(like those little kid ash-trays out of clay?! - naw...I'll do something better than that :)
YOU are awesome for participating! I also have a Pay It Forward Giveaway on my blog that I will close tonight if you are interested!
Well I missed it! Bummer.
This is so fun. I hope you share what you "pay forward!"
Hey friend!
I was awarded with a blog award and I wanted to pass it on to you should you accept it!
Click the link, read the post & repost in your own blog!
Such a cool idea Jessie! :)
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