Left Behind
>> Saturday, January 15, 2011
As Piper is growing up she is invited to a lot of things that Violet is not. I have tried very hard to give Violet her own little life without Piper as well but the 3/4 year old crowd doesn't have a lot of independence yet. Wednesday during our 3rd snow day home I received a call from one of Piper's school friends. They were wanting to pick her up for a playdate. How excited was she? My Violet was heartbroken because she was supposed to have had a friend over here that same morning but the little girl was sick. Now Piper was getting to leave and she had to stay here. So unfair! I got out the paints, let her eat her crackers & hummus in the living room, and sat through no less than 5 books that she wanted to read to me.

While she was reading

Her playdate with the little girl from preschool was rescheduled for next Wednesday and we got a surprise visit from the USP guy (what she calls him) - a very pretty skirt that mama ordered her before Christmas. Not too bad of a day after all.
the case of the middle child!!! We have it here too, Rebekah likes to do her own thing or play Mama with Rachel but often leave Sarah behind.
Sarah is pretty independent (i guess part of her temperament)but still I always feel bad for her when she is not involve in the play team!!!
It's the other way around here... Now that J is in first grade, he doesn't have time for play dates during the week, whereas Z gets to have play dates in the afternoons (she only has school in the mornings). She comes home regaling him with what she did, how much fun she had and he's now saying it's not fair that she gets to go on so many play dates when he couldn't. =(
Definitely a great day. I like it when that happens : ) You captured the vividness of her painting so beautifully ... it reminds me that I need to photograph my own kids' artwork somewhere other than the dark caverns of our basement where their "studio" is set up. Or scan them but they're often too big to put on the scanner.
My husband called it the PUS guy when he was little. Why is that so hard?
Great painting!
Aw, poor little one :( but it sounds like you were a great mommy! Love the painting and love the photo of her :)
We have that even with our 10 year old and 7 year old. The 10 year old gets asked to go to sleepovers, out on fishing boats etc. and the 7 year old just watches. :(
We always try to make it a fun day for him too somehow - but just the other day he said "That's okay he's just the favorite" "What do you mean honey?" I asked...he replied "Well we're both those kids friends, but he's the favorite" sniff...sigh...tear.
Life is hard and kids can be so blunt. :(
We went to the park - and dad took him for Dairy queen. poor baby.
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