Team Up Thursday - Time
>> Thursday, May 27, 2010
Angie and I chose TIME this week as our theme. Angie said she has no time and I would agree. With the party for Matt, school getting out Friday, preschool graduation, teachers gifts still not complete, and play dates almost every day I feel as if I have none this week. Angie has graduations in her neck of the woods as well. Busy, busy, busy! My shot is of our Violet with one of her favorite pieces of jewelry - her Tinkerbell watch. This wasn't even a gift for her it was for Piper but Piper never really loved Tink the way that our Violet does. It is a piece that we only let her use once in awhile b/c it gets lost very easily and I know that when she gets a little bit older and learns to tell time she will appreciate it more than she does right now and I would like it to still be around and working when that time comes.

Check out more Team Up Thursdays at Melody's and Megan's.

I can't get Simon and Garfunkel out of my head! Make it stop! Time for next week's theme :)
Awww what a cute shot!!!!
Seriously Jessie, the child could be a model! You should be getting paid for shots like these. :)
GREAT shots for your theme - very well captured. Adorable face and beautiful watch - GREAT job, team!
Both are great shots, and those eyes, oh my, she has amazing eyes. I think it's great you both ended up focusing on watches for time.
With the way my last few weeks have gone I should have chosen time too. Great perspective on the theme.
gorgeous shot of your little one. love the very different perspectives on the wristwatch in each photo. makes for a fabulous pair!
WOW!!!!!!! what an awesome set. I adore both shots. Those eyes....WOW! and the very unique.
Well done!
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