Team Up Thursday - Color
>> Thursday, May 6, 2010
I love spring. Summer is by far my favorite season b/c of weather but spring is right up there with everything beginning to bloom. Such a gift after winter. The farmer's markets have started and normally there is at least 1 flower vendor there. It is hard to walk by those flowers without pulling out that $10 and buying a bouquet. Tuesday I was driving by and HAD to stop. I don't do this as much as I should for myself b/c honestly it makes me so happy to see the lovely bouquet sitting in our living room. The girls think it is cool too :) Angie's inspiration was sitting in front of her as it always is. She is a phenomenal artist. Color is in her everyday life. I love her shot b/c it is so personal.

Check out more Team Up Thursdays at Melody's and Megan's.

Both those images are bursting with colour. Very fantastic!
This is the most fitting combination of photos within a diptych EVER. I can see her paints transformed into a still life of your flowers, just flowing with colors. Gorgeous!
wow those flowers are gorgeous!!!!
ooh, one of my favorite dips from you guys! love the profusion of color exploding from both -- such a great pair!
love this set. color makes me so happy. Those flowers are stunning. great choice for the theme.
The flowers are so pretty. I like how your shots are so different but still have the same theme.
Beautiful colors on both shots. Farmers markets are such inspirational places. Im going to have to get to ours soon. I too love how the paints are so personal.
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