Wordful Wednesday - Cool Down
>> Wednesday, May 5, 2010
There are people already going swimming in the lake but I didn't feel like it on Sunday so we turned on our sprinklers and let the girls run. Where was Ruby when all this fun was going on? She didn't care for the sprinklers much but thought it was a lot of fun running away from Daddy. So while I was playing with the girls in the sprinklers she was running around our yard. I got drenched! Piper and Violet thought that was pretty funny that mama went in the sprinklers in her clothes.
Check out the tongues in this one. Yeah, they are sisters :)
My show me the love shot of the day :)
More WW @

Jessie, they are absolutely precious! What a fun way to keep cool. (And how crazy that we're already doing that - in early May!) Love the double tongues and the sisterly love. Don't those two ever fight? ;)
I love that last one too! It makes my daughter's day to be able to spray me in the face with water. Summer fun!
Awwww! They are so CUTE! The fact that you joined in and cooled off with them in your clothes is awesome, too! :)
They are so cute and looks like they had tuns of fun!!!!
I love the tongues out...adorable!
such wonderful captures -- those tongues :).
Amazing shots!!! I seriously need to learn some stuff from you!
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