
Hey sweets! Sunday I went to the
Sweet Tooth Festival with the ever fun
Kisten. Our friend
Rachel was one of the fairies behind the event. It was wonderful. And sweet! This is what I brought home for the family. You can probably imagine the girls were beyond excited to try everything. Sugar coma ensued.

This isn't the best picture of my cup of tea that I enjoyed on Monday. It was dreary out and the tea was so good. I am not sure why I don't brew it more often. Too much of a coffee addict maybe?

While I was at the Sweet Tooth Festival my friend Martha was at a bridal show. She got to take home this big, beautiful flower arrangement. Only problem with it was it made her eyes itch. Poor Martha but lucky us! We get to enjoy it for the rest of the week.

I can't leave a good thing alone so I took that arrangement apart and made 2 vases full of flowers and then grabbed these and made a little windowsill display as well. A few of the bud vases are the girls from their great grandparents and the bottles were something Matt and I came across years and years ago. I think it is cute and enjoy looking at them while doing the dishes. Or loading them in the dishwasher because I don't do dishes.

She is still sleeping with us. 3 weeks now. With our new bed island it isn't a big deal and maybe tonight we will have a big old slumber party.
Started walking again. Wow, I am so out of shape from not being able to do much the past 4 months. Walking makes me feel amazing but my shins hurt like crazy :) Marley is giddy!

How can you stay mad, say no, or not just plain out smile at this face? Oh my Ruby ♥
That is all this week. It has been busy and flew by. Monday we saw old friends and some new ones at a get together. We all had so much fun! Not only do we now have beautiful flowers in the house but while getting some Mardi Gras supplies at the party store the nice sales lady gave Ruby a dozen heart shaped balloons. She even blew them all back up again so they will last longer! The small things that happen that bring smiles to everyone's faces are what keep me going right now.