>> Thursday, January 22, 2009
It's that time of year down here where all of the preschools in the area are having their open houses and registrations. 2 years ago we put Piper in a preschool and that lasted less than 2 months, she was just too young and I could not deal with her crying each day that I left her. We had good intentions sending her though, with Violet being a new babe I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep her socially active with kids her own age or have messy fun activities with her but after pulling her out I realized that I could do it. So, there are 2 places that we are looking at near us that offer a 3 day a week program which is hard to find for 4 year olds. Not only are good places hard to find but they have lotteries to get in them. 50 families going for like 6 spots - craziness! This morning we are going to look at the 2nd place which is a church near us. If she gets in to 1 of them great but if she doesn't I know that I can get her ready for school myself. With the 3rd babe coming I will have to structure out time a little better and I'll just need to find more families out there like ours to socialize her with and search out free activities for our family to do during the days. Just a few weeks ago I was very anxious about this situation but once again Matt came in and calmed me when I needed it. He is confident that I can be a mother/teacher but some days I am not so sure. Anyway, another new journey either way for us - she doesn't even look like she should be in school yet does she :(
I think she'll be fine either way. If she gets into a preschool- great. If not- she'll be with you and that's great too. You can do it!
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