The Girl's Room - Night 2
>> Monday, January 19, 2009
Last night was comical really. Piper fought us to go in the room but Violet was pretty ok with it, now I don't think she would do it alone though. Matt read the 2 new books that Violet got for her birthday and then a few of the stories from our girl's all.time.favorite nighttime storybook Snoozers (they "read" along with it). Before Matt went to watch tv Piper made him promise to sleep in there so he said yes. I laid with them for a little bit and again promised that we could bring out the stamps today and left. Here is the funny part, and maybe only our chaotic house would find this humorous but Matt and I got ready for bed and went in by the girls. They now have 2 twins (at different heights btw) pushed together. I took the end so Matt was stuck almost on the crack. As a special big girl gift I got Piper a Sleeping Beauty nightlight but what I didn't know was that it changed colors all the time. Piper would not let Matt take that out of the room so we have to deal with that too - he calls it the Las Vegas nightlight. So all 4 of us are laying there when Sadie and Mabel decide to join us. Sadie wasn't digging it too much b/c there really wasn't anywhere for her 65 lbs to fit but she found a place by Matt and Mabel cozied up to the back of my legs. Him and I just get done laughing over the craziness that is our current sleeping arrangement when we hear "Meow", why not Lily - come on up :) We lost it! Here we have this REALLY nice king sized bed that no one is sleeping in right now. I do hope that the girls end up getting used to their room and this works out in the end for our family. It isn't that we would mind that they still slept with us but with new babe coming I am just not so sure our bedroom is big enough anymore. Piper and Violet both got up this morning when Matt did but at least they both went down ok and I am hoping that is a step in the right direction.
Totally off topic and just for fun here is a picture that I got of Piper the other day. We do love our dress up :) See the poms? Her favorite cheer is "Go Daddy" - lucky guy to have such cute cheerleaders.
Too funny....don't foget you had the baby to be all snuggled in with you too. That makes 2 kids, 2 adults, a baby to be, 2 dogs and 1 cat all snuggled in, basically, a double! Sounds like a children's story :)
haha...yep, I laughed at your sleeping dilemna too! I hope it works out for you in the end though!! Oh, and yeah...she IS the cutest cheerleader ever!!
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