>> Saturday, January 24, 2009
Why oh why must they package children's toys so that I have to get out my tools to get them out of the box? We purchased a Sleeping Beauty wand a few weeks back and while trying to get it out of the box for Violet, who was pulling at my leg, I ended up stabbing myself with the scissor I was attempting to try and cut off the tie wraps with. It bled and bled but I put on my Scooby Doo band aid and went on with life. After almost 2 weeks it still hurts, I think it is infected :( Guess that I have to go to the doctor and find out what the dealio is with my thumb before it has to get amputated :)
What a nice day it was here today - 60 degrees woo hoo! The girls got out and rode their bikes and Matt took down our Christmas lights, yep we are THOSE people that leave our lights up through January :) Actually it has been either rainy or Matt has had to work which is why they were still up but our neighbors don't know that. I have been meaning to take a picture for a while now of my tulips which probably won't end up flowering this year b/c of our crazy weather. They started sprouting maybe 2 weeks ago when it was like 70 and then it got real cold and now it is warm and the cold is coming again - following that? The spot that I chose for these doesn't get a ton of sun to help them out either. Next fall I will move them b/c they are the neatest colors.

Finally, we had a yummy supper tonight - crab and crusty bread. The local grocery store ran a sale this week on crab legs and our girls LOVE them! How funny is that? I bet I didn't eat crab until I was in my 20's for the first time and our kids have been eating it for years already. Tonight Piper showed interest in helping to crack them. Normally they eat it as fast as we can crack it so Matt and I end up eating a luke warm supper. Now we need to get our 2 year old interested in helping out too :) BTW, it hurt my thumb the entire time - last time I whine about this I promise.
Ow! Yeah, that looks like it could be painful! And I agree...I sure wish they'd package all those kids toys so that they were at least a BIT easier to get out!
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