Haven't you always wanted to know...Tagged!!
>> Sunday, November 14, 2010
Michelle@Undeserving and yet..Overblessed! tagged me and while the kids are fighting playing I took a moment to participate :) On pins and needles yet?
4 Things in my Handbag:
1. lip balm
2. wallet
3. random receipts
4. pen
4 Things In/On my Desk:
1. camera
2. computer
3. phone
4. bandaids
4 Favorite Things in my Bedroom: Favorite?
It is not my favorite room so…
1. bed
2. dresser
3. changing table
4. clothes that need to be put away
4 Things I Always Wanted To Do (But haven’t yet):
1. Jump out of an airplane
2. Travel to Europe
3. Learn to knit - I am hopeless!
4. Run a marathon - someday just watch!
4 Things I Enjoy Very Much At the Moment:
1. Taking pictures of our girls
2. Being pregnant (still sick but oh so happy)
3. Whenever Ruby naps (this is one WIDE open kid and those moments are far and few between)
4. Thrifting (might be more of an addiction)
4 Songs I Can’t Get Outta My Head:
1. Lost! (Coldplay)
2. Mine (Taylor Swift b/c Violet is singing it all.the.time)
3. Chicken Fried (Zac Brown Band - I know what the heck?)
4. 4 is really hard! Maybe Whip My Hair? (Willow Smith) Girls and I like dancing to it (oh and whipping our hair lol)
4 Things You Don’t Know About Me:
1. I am old! Like too old to be listening to Whip My Hair!
2. I have gray hair b/c I am too lazy to A. color it myself and/or B. go have someone do it for me :)
3. I have an addiction to trashy tv but seldom ever get to watch it anymore.
4. I don't like driving at night (see #1).
Who are my lucky taggers? Don't feel obligated ladies :)
Kimberly Altering Life
Michelle Flying Giggles and Lollipops
Stacy Mommas Gone Over the Wall
Jamie Mama Mommy Mom
Finally a poor little confused bloom on our hydrangea doesn't know what to think of these 32 degree mornings :)
I don't even recognize "Whip My Hair" as a song title. What does that say about me?
LOL you are adorable!! You are not old, I'm just a few years behind you and I feel young, still I have no clue what is that song you are talking about!!!
Ps I hate driving period!!!
We share a lot of the things on our list. I'll get to mine later this week. :)
Oh, and I'd love to learn to knit too!@
I saw the Whip My Hair video yesterday LOL I'm playing along :-)
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