Really?? Again??
>> Monday, June 8, 2009
Ruby was finally down for a nap and I managed to put her in my bed so my arms were free. The girls were playing downstairs with Matt while he was going through some boxes of old stuff he has. They were having a really fun time finding Halloween costumes to try on and then they would come and show me. I was taking this opportunity to do some research online for a purchase I dream of making - so basically I was screwing around :) Anyway, I hear a loud scream followed by many more cries/screams. I ran downstairs so quickly only to find that Violet AGAIN fell on her face. She learned last time though and tried to break her fall with her hands so she also hurt her hand this time around. No chipped teeth just a big fat lip - my poor baby really has 2 left feet.
She doesn't look it but she told us she was "feeling a lot better now" when I took this picture. In fact she felt so much better that she thought maybe she might like a cookie and some milk :) When we removed the old carpet in this house and replaced it with tile it was b/c tile is so easy to clean and when we had 4 dogs and clay soil outside that was very important. In theory tile should be great with the kids too but it seems not so much. I was told I should lay rugs down on it but those would be really gross after doggie paws walk over them damp from just being outside. We wipe their paws but you can't get it all not to mention we don't wipe the girls feet every time they come in either. I can deal with fat lips I just hope that we are done with chipping teeth.
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