>> Thursday, June 4, 2009
No nap for Piper today, she told me "I rested". I never in a million years thought that it would end like it did though. We had been preparing for Matt's princess party ALL day. The cupcakes were baked, the balloons purchased, the card made, and we even got all the crowns made right under the wire. Matt walked through the door and we yelled "Surprise" b/c I guess it was a surprise party - it was Piper's idea - and it went down hill from there. Piper started crying b/c I wouldn't let her use a new glass that Matt had just brought home for her. No, cry would be an understatement for how she was acting, tantrum would be a better word. Look at the happy bunch of us :) Piper was sent to her room after this picture was taken but soon came out and ate all of her dinner and got a cupcake. They were both in bed at 6:59 pm tonight and probably sleeping a few minutes after that. Tomorrow there WILL be a nap!
To my husband: I am sorry that the girls weren't in better moods for the party, I wanted it to be totally fun for us all and it was just really stressful. There's always next year :)
Oh My! I know I should not laugh because that could be me in a few years but that picture of Piper crying is just too much! :-) Great job on all the crowns and decorations, you worked hard to make a great party!
Love the pic Jess, too cute!
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