Relay for Life 2009
>> Saturday, May 30, 2009
May 29th was the night of Relay for Life - this year both girls participated. We chose some of their toys that they are not using and sold them on Craigslist and a local mama board that I belong to to raise some money to donate for the cause. Each girl walked about 1 lap and rode a lap. I made the mistake of only taking the single stroller rather than our double b/c Piper said she wanted to walk. Sure, until we actually got on the track and she had to walk then decided she wanted to ride. The scowl face is b/c she is angry with me for telling her that Violet was riding and not her. Love the pout :)
I commented to Megan, who joined us again this year, how moving it is to see all the supporters there that will spend the night walking. What also got me this year was the amount of YOUNG survivors and how many children and teens were there walking - so awesome! The girls got some suckers and then also got their faces painted - it was a really nice time :)
Although bad and you can't actually see my babe this might be the only picture of us that I get for some time.
and finally home again and happy!
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