"I want to hold the baby"
>> Sunday, May 17, 2009
Suddenly, both girls have taken an interest in Ruby. Actually I think that Piper has taken an interest in holding the baby so Violet wants to do the same. Again they both want what the other has but they are really gentle with her and it makes me happy to know that they like her. So often I hear of siblings not liking the new baby that comes into the house and not wanting anything to do with babe. I know that I have posted a lot lately about our girls being so naughty but they are very sweet just as often - 50/50 isn't bad for a 2 & 3 year old right?
Here is a picture of the girls and I from yesterday (Pica decided she wanted in the shot too) - baby weight still hanging in there but I have hope. Yesterday I bought myself something, Shred. Check back in a month which is probably when I will get around to posting another picture - I am so slack. You aren't allowed to totally diet when breastfeeding but I would be happy with 5 less pounds of me in 30 days :) Wish me luck!
Great picture of you and the girls, it looks like Ruby has a little smile on her face :-)
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