Oh, to be 2 years old
>> Tuesday, May 12, 2009
It must be rough right? Violet is so much more independent than Piper was at this age. She wants to dress herself, go potty by herself, dress her babe, put on her shoes - I could go on and on! If Piper was having problems getting something to work right for her she would come to Matt or I and ask for help, not our Violet though, Miss Independent will try to do something once and then SCREAM and SCREAM b/c she is not able to. I will call to her and tell her to come to me and she will SCREAM "NO!" and continue to SCREAM until I finally go to her and try to help her. I say try b/c she still wants to do it herself so I have to *try* and make it sound like she is doing it herself with me just there to help. This whole screaming thing is really new to me b/c our Piper didn't do it - it is taking some getting used to. Oh, before becoming a mother I would wonder how families could let their kids act like that now I am at a loss what to do about it so we are one of *those* families :) "Um, hello is this Super Nanny? Please come to The Zoo - we need you!" Well, it isn't quite that bad yet but we do need to nip this b/c all this screaming is making me CRAZY(er)!
That picture is adorable!! And Hailey is the same way. I used to wonder about families with kids who act like she does too. Now I know I should be careful what I think!!
oh how i can relate... i have two very independent and strong willed girlies ages 3 and almost 2.
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