Misca Musca Mickey Mouse
>> Saturday, October 24, 2009
It was supposed to be a family day. We woke up and Piper and Ruby were both a little under the weather. The weather is a whole other story. Raining, AGAIN. That is when I decided that pancakes and bacon would bring up everyone's mood. I cooked for 45 minutes, 4 plates were set, 3 glasses of milk, a coffee, and the pièce de résistance a plate of pancakes and a pound of bacon (healthy right?). That is when the call came in - Matt had to go to work. Really? So the girls and I ate alone. I decided not to let the rain or the fact that daddy wasn't here affect the day so we pulled out our Mickey Mouse Yahtzee Jr. game that I bought last week for game night. Love.This.Game!! Normally I am so cheap that I will only buy the girls games that are on clearance (and why are they on clearance?) or at our local thrift store but this time I splurged (8.99 at Target) b/c I just knew they would love the jr. edition as much as we love the adult version. Fun ensued!
Your house always reminds me so much of mine. Adorable little girls sitting around in their princess costumes, drinking out of those same princess cups but we have never played that game. I'll have to check that one out. Lyndsy is finally taking an interest in games.
Sounds like a great day...despite the rain and Matt having to go to work! :) How fun that you play games with your girls too...I can't wait till my kids are old enough to love games!
Sorry the hubby had to go to work. Sounds like you all made the best of it though. They look like a fun crew! :)
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